Shopping for the ones you love could be an overwhelming task, specifically when looking for gift ideas for individuals battling dementia and its following symptoms. It is noted that a little creativity and a little more thought can help you find the perfect things for your loved ones. Essentially, you can get anything that keeps the patient moving. A membership to an exercise program or an instructor could help your loved ones stay healthy and active for as long as dementia allows them to be. In this article, we provide the best Gifts for dementia patients.
Multiple studies indicate a positive correlation between exercise and the slowdown of dementia in patients still struggling with the disease’s early stage. This is why taking such measures is necessary for their wellbeing. Slowing cognitive impairment through better diet plans or improved schedule for mobility around the premises of a care facility is an ordinary gift that is arranged rather frequently.
But one thing that matters most to your loved one is your presence. If you can regularly visit your family or friends and help them live a fully-functional life despite the cognitive impairments, you can clearly be considered the best friend for the patient.
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Best gift ideas for dementia patients
Generally, the gifts that involve memories, such as photo albums and videos, are the best choice of gifts for dementia patients. However, this is not the only route you can take. You can also look for something that keeps the receiver of the gift entertained and engaged for a long. A collection of jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, and even something that helps them express themselves can prove to be efficient in such cases.
If you are looking for a little inspiration for gift ideas, then here is a comprehensive list of appropriate options divided according to the stages of dementia.
The early stage of dementia is easy, the one that is easiest to manage. Although the symptoms of the condition vary per individual, the typical signs include reduced concentration span, problems with memory, and an inherent difficulty remembering events from the recent past.
Some of the standard gift ideas for this stage of dementia include:
- A collection of preferred songs and films
Gifting a set of favorite songs or classic films can be very helpful in the case of early dementia. It will help the individual reminisce on the days past and also keep their mind stimulated. Movies or music that triggers a particular response, such as sadness or immediate anger on a subconscious level, must be avoided to prevent a meltdown.
- Activity books
In the early stage of dementia, it is critical to keep the individual’s mind occupied. This is why crossword puzzles and strategy games such as monopoly and chess are often seen lying around the care facility tables. Those who can participate in such games have a better chance of slowing down the invasion of dementia than those who do not.
- Memory phone
A memory phone may not be a popular idea, but it works exceptionally well in the case of early-stage dementia. In essence, this phone has the same functions as any other mobile device. But this gadget is specially built with minimal features with more emphasis on contact names and photos.
Middle stage:
The middle stage of dementia strikes when the damage to the brain exceeds the limits. The damage restricts the individuals from the coherent expression of thoughts, which leads to the inability to perform daily chores. This stage is where every person would be advised to move into a care facility to avoid any unnecessary injury or expense.
- A large digital clock and calendar
This stage is the cause of severe stress for the individual battling with dementia. The loss of cohesion in expression has the potential to frustrate them. This can further lead to aggression and violence. This is why it is advised to equip the room or living space of patients with large clocks and calendars to increase their spatial awareness.
- Automatic nightlights that are controlled by Alexa
If your loved one lives at home with their caretaker, then you can quickly get them the automatic nightlights that detect movement and activity. These lights can immediately expel darkness and help the individual find the things they are looking for in the middle of the night. Beware, a patient can ask for anything such as nail clippers, old newspaper, and whatnot to evoke their awareness about the location.
- Automatic medicine dispenser
Remembering the number and types of medicine can get challenging to the one you love. This is why it is advised to get an automatic medicine dispenser. It can help them stay on track with their medicinal regimen.
Last stage:
The progress of dementia is often slow and unpredictable. Medical experts dictate that the state of absolute immobility can be considered as the peak of Alzheimer’s disease. These issues can escalate to the extent that the patient cannot speak or even swallow without conscious effort. In such circumstances, you need to be especially careful with your gifts.
This stage expects you to be more practical as opposed to creative in your choices. A few well-received examples include:
- Location device
Late-stage dementia evokes the patient to start wandering off. To prevent such risks, it is ideal for getting a location device for your loved one to help the care facility and caretakers locate them.
- Massage tools
As the stress and frustration of communication lapses get to the patient, it is ideal for providing them with a distraction. You can get a handheld massager for them to facilitate relaxation in their lives.
- Comfortable clothing
The patients in the late stage can strip off their clothes without reason. This is why comfortable clothes that tie at the back can prove to be a helpful alternative instead. The use of Velcro, in most cases, works very well in most cases.
- Stuffed animal or doll
Companionship is necessary for every stage of dementia, but the sense of being accompanied by love plays a critical role in these circumstances. This is the time where a harmless stuffed animal or doll could be used according to your loved one’s preference.
Final Thoughts
Dementia is an enormous challenge that requires a lot of preparation and thought from the family members. It is a disease that gradually eats away at the soul of an individual and leaves behind a husk of nothingness behind.