The use of ReactJS has become almost essential in the creation of apps. Hiring an experienced ReactJS app development company is encouraged if you plan to create your app. More often than not, front-end developers favor ReactJS over other frameworks. If you’re a front-end developer or aspire to be one, read on to find out how to pick up ReactJS rapidly.
Table of Contents
ReactJS – At a Glance
Before we begin, it’d be beneficial to ask, “What is React?” React is a substantial JavaScript library by Facebook launched in 2013. It is also frequently referred to as ReactJS. The front-end software development for Smart TVs, web apps, and mobile devices uses it. More specifically, front-end developers opt for ReactJS as the ready library when developing complex, responsive UI.
React is without a doubt one of the most well-liked libraries for UI development. Why is React so popular? It is obvious that with all the cutting-edge React features that render UI development swift and simple. Virtual DOMs as well as reusable components may be of particular interest to developers. We’ll discuss more on this later.
No matter how skilled a developer you are, you will always seek simplicity. In the long term, simplification accelerates your work and enables you to complete more. The simplicity of ReactJS leaves a lot of flexibility for experimentation and creation. This enables you to try new things, take risks, and make the most difficult undertakings.
Here is Why you Should Learn ReactJS
Why is ReactJS highly recommended? As an illustration, take the 2 React features I stated previously. Reusable components enable developers to create programming for a component just once, then apply it throughout the project. Imagine that you want a particular tab to show on every page of your app. You were required to manually generate the code for every one of those buttons on each page. The code for a button only needs to be written once when using reusable components; the component may then be invoked on all pages.
React can make virtual copies of your real DOMs by using virtual DOMs, another ground-breaking concept. The engagement of your UI is considerably enhanced by doing this. What benefits do virtual DOMs bring to your user interface? The downloading and displaying of the Interface components on clients’ screens is sped up, to put it simply, by using virtual copies of the DOM.
Leading companies all over the world are looking for ReactJS developers. It is simpler to develop applications with very scalable user interfaces using ReactJS. In addition to the resource and time savings made possible by ReactJS, you are likely to find immense benefits as a ReactJS programmer in the contemporary IT industry as a result.
Can YOU Learn ReactJS Fast?
You might be wondering if it will be difficult to learn how to use a sophisticated library like React at this point. It’s not a major issue. You can instantly begin learning ReactJS and developing your debut ReactJS app after finishing this article. But to make that practical, you’d need to know HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Due to its simplicity, getting familiar with the React library does not take too long. Using ReactJS to create high-quality projects often takes experienced JS developers a few days to a few months. Undoubtedly, how quickly you pick up React will rely on your past knowledge, the sorts of projects you want to concentrate on, and the approach.
In this blog, I’ll attempt to guide you through the React strategy instruction I’ve found to be most effective. Your training in ReactJS would likely go faster as a result.
First, We Make a Checklist
The ideas you ought to have a fundamental grasp of before beginning to study React are listed below. Irrespective of your degree of competence, you must have a fundamental understanding of these ideas in order to use ReactJS.

Source: 4 Way Technologies
Why do you Need to Know the Checklisted Topics
Let’s easily go over these before moving on so you can see “why” you must be aware of the .topics in the checklist.
JS (XML), HTML, and CSS are the core building elements of any ui development project. Your app would consist of a basic component architecture whether ReactJS or some other framework were being used. Simply expressed, this shows how the parts of your project are organized and presented. Programming languages are the ones in which one would specify the components or create your codes. If you’ve done any front-end programming, you undoubtedly know something about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to vary degrees. To design your UI, you would need to know these programming languages.
JavaScript is the main language of programming used for the overwhelming bulk of front-end development (JS). You may think of this as the executor that handles all of the codes. With JSX, JS resembles HTML (XML) in React.
HTML is actually short for HyperText Markup Language. As its name suggests, it is a markup language. The simplest method to describe what HTML does is that it tells the computer where each component should reside. It acts in a way as the fundamental framework of the software.
Nobody usually remembers the whole name of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), therefore you don’t need to either. However, these are fascinating facts that currently help me in expressing what they are. CSS determines how your app’s components are styled.
Features of ECMAScript 2015
ES6 (ECMAScript2015), a subset of JavaScript with numerous special capabilities, is typically used extensively while dealing with React. Therefore, before beginning to develop with ReactJS, it is advised to possess a preliminary comprehension of some ES6 features. Here is a list of the most common ES6 features you might use with ReactJS.
Class, object, and method are the key concepts of object-oriented programming in ES6. OOP is a coding methodology that views data as objects and methods, to put it simply. Objects are user-provided inputs, whereas Methods are logs of activities.
- Class: It’s crucial to understand what classes are before understanding ReactJs. You could remark that a class acts as the blueprint for an object. It has constructors and functions. Constructors allow space for the object while functions decide what will be done with it. In ES6, there are two different classes: superclasses and subclasses. Subclasses are classes that are derived from superclasses. They receive the whole superclass, with the exception of the constructors. Understanding how to identify or describe classes is essential before using ReactJS.
- “this”: The word “this” refers to a specific iteration of an object which is a member of a class. It is best to comprehend how the keyword “this” functions differently in JS before using it in ReactJS.
- Call (), Apply(), and Bind(): they are essential for attaching “this” to its destination object. It helps free “this” and also its object from the manner in which a function is called. When building ReactJS code, particularly while using callback functions, knowing this would be useful.
Arrow Function
The arrow function of ES6 assists in shortening the code while using var. It simplifies the grammar, making the code easier to read. Recognizing how well the arrow function works will be beneficial because ReactJS places a great priority on generating clear, readable code. Use this as an illustration:
// Old method
function greet()
console.log(‘Sam Stardust’);
var greet1 = function(){
console.log(‘Sam Stardust’);
//ES6 method
var greet2 = () => {
console.log(‘Sam Stardust’);
let and const
Another important thing to remember is that while var is utilised in JS, let and const were substituted in React. If you do not use these often, they may appear to be puzzling as they stand for different variables. Make a variable local and restrict its use to the area where it is declared. The prefix const designates constant variables or variables where value cannot change.
It’s essential to have a firm grasp of Node.js before going into ReactJS, much like ES6. Node.js is not a programming language such as ES6, but rather an “execution environment” for JS. That sentence probably made no sense at all, so let me repeat it. Every browser you use already includes a JavaScript Engine. Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Chrome, as well as other browsers employ SpiderMonkey. They run JS code for their respective browsers. It is unable to do any tasks, such as operating system or network functions, when outside the browser. Node resolves this problem. When Node is coupled with JavaScript Engines, you can perform all these operations from outside the browser. Node, outside your browser, provides the “execution environment” for the Java language.
A Node Package Manager (NPM) is, to put it simply, a package manager that makes it easier to organize and install both packages as well as node modules. It should be obvious that knowledge of NPM is necessary in order of using Node.js and later React.
You would need these two keywords to use NPM. Simply put, you must use the phrase “import” in order to use any Node modules and packages that you install using NPM. Export is used concurrently when we create a package and will only need to return a subset of it—not the elements and methods.
Code Editor
Code editors are the tools wherein we write our codes. Using notepads is as simple as it gets. Coders used to write scripts in Notepad, a text editor before there were code editing tools. In case you’ve ever written any code, you are already familiar with code editors. IDEs, which are sophisticated environments for editing code, are common these days. Although we typically use VSCode for ReactJS, you are free to employ any editor of your choice.
Second, We Cover the Very First Concepts of ReactJS
Now that you have a good grasp of the aforementioned ideas, we can finally start discussing the very first topics you should understand as you begin your experience of mastering ReactJS.
Create React App
You can establish an environment where you can, well, experiment with create-react-app a little. Create React App does not have any interest in backend logic or database administration. Here, you build the simple, one-page front-end pipeline for an app. React leverages Babel and webpack internally, so you can work on it without needing to worry regarding transpilers as well as module bundlers right away. It’s like learning to run before you can walk. I strongly suggest that you concentrate on small projects while learning ReactJS and use Create React App as a notepad.
Components and Hooks
In the end, components make up your user interface. You can choose between tabs, buttons, search bars, and more! ReactJS is built on a foundation of components. This achieves us the ability to view our code as distinct, changeable, and reusable “components.” ReactJS components can be compared to elements or to JS functions.
We specify the components’ location, appearance, and behavior in addition to developing the programs for the components. The component architecture serves as the UI’s building block. As a result, understanding how to create components in ReactJS will be one of the first tasks in your React learning process. In ReactJS, components are built and then displayed using DOM tags. We also have the option to divide components more than once. You will soon realize the wide range of React’s methods and elements that we can utilise in our applications as you build your first components. Let’s examine a component’s illustration. This section is quite simple. “Hello React-learner” appears on the screen as a result.
function Welcome(props) {
return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById(‘root’));
const element = <Welcome name=”React-learner” />;
As I’ve already mentioned, ReactJS makes it much easier for us to create and maintain components. Reusable components enable us to write and reuse components. As a result, your complete code becomes easier to read and shorter.
Since the release of Hooks in React v16.8, things have much improved. In other words, hooks make it possible to use React function components without having to design a class for them. Since we can are using hooks for calling on function components instead of developing the component ourselves, this greatly enhances the situation for us. Additionally, it allows you to skip class material early on in your process of learning so that you may focus more on function-related material.
I suggest training function components immediately soon because they are typically huge.
Remember that each hook’s name is preceded by the word “use”. Given that hooks have already been covered, allow me to point you to two ReactJS hooks that become essential to comprehending hook usage.
We can use the convenient, straightforward hook named useState to save the state in a functional component.
This illustration demonstrates how to set a variable name in a state. Using setName, I can also change the name variable, for instance, from Sam Stardust to Luna Stardust.
Overall, useState helps structure complex states and spares us from using “this” each time we use a state.
Const [name, setName] = useState(‘Sam Stardust’)
This hook gives us the ability to run code at different stages of the component lifecycles. This hook is generally used when using an API, running cleanup code, or upgrading a component with a prop update. Using useEffect, any of these operations can be performed on certain phases of a component’s lifecycle.
State: We talked extensively about states or state functions in the last section, but what does the term state in ReactJS actually mean? Synchronous variables are kept in a state in ReactJS. This suggests that any modifications you apply to a state variable are going to appear throughout your code. Let’s say you want to add a component called UserDetails to your project that keeps track of the names and ages of the clients. The names and ages of users can change.
const App = () => {
const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(“hello React”);
const [userList, setUserList] =useState([
{name: “Sam”, age: 26},
{name: “Soham”, age: 27},
{name: “AG”, age: 34}
// …JSX
Props: In React, inputs are referred to as props. The prop values that you select are subsequently saved. The word is derived from characteristics. They include the characteristics of an HTML tag. Their parents’ components send this knowledge to them. They are delivered into functions or methods as input arguments.
Lastly, We Explore a little Deeper into React
Simple, one-page apps might be created with just a basic knowledge of CSS, as we reviewed in the preceding section. You can now try making a to-do checklist or calculator application. You’ll need a few things in order to use ReactJS to build more complex applications. Let’s quickly review these.
React Router
Simply put, React Router carries out routing in React. What does the term “routing” mean here? Routing is the procedure of navigating across several pages of your app. You must set up routing if you wish a user to be able to click a button and go from the main page or a contacts page. If you comprehend how to handle React Router functions, you can use routing in your projects. From there, you may create simple CRUD applications as well as other things.
Webpack is the name of a JS module bundler used in React. It comprises loaders that enable you to perform particular tasks for your project. Webpack’s primary objective is to maintain your code dependencies in the format of static files. By doing this, you can avoid having to do it yourself. Inexperienced developers routinely overlook the internal dynamics of Webpack in ReactJS. To better comprehend ReactJS, it is essential that you become familiar with webpack.
Server Rendering
Due to its frequently used server rendering feature, ReactJS sets itself apart from competing frameworks. Virtual DOMs with React’s features provide the UIs a remarkable degree of responsiveness. The components of your app can be built employing server rendering, while the browser would show them as HTML as a result. Entering your UI into any difficult backend technology is helpful.
React Redux gives you the ability to maintain state throughout every part of your app. This is crucial, particularly if your application contains numerous sophisticated components. Redux keeps track of a single source for each state you have.
6 Quick Tips to Learn React Faster
1. Know the Component Life Cycle
The React lifecycle is a representation of the steps that a React component goes through. These stages allow for component monitoring and modification. Mounting, upgrading, and unmounting are the three crucial phases of the component lifetime. During the mounting stage, a component is applied to the DOM, from which it is rendered. During updating, the component’s state or the props might well be changed. Finally, upon unmounting, the component is removed from the DOM. Understanding the component lifecycle is essential before starting to create React apps.
2. Redux or context APIs should be for advanced apps; at first, bypass them
Fancy words about React’s most amazing features and capabilities have been hurled into our faces in courses and articles since the beginning. It’s important to know what needs to be taught first and what would wait. For instance, in the beginning, building a basic app wouldn’t require Redux or Webpack. It is preferable to keep them at a distance, understand the principles, and learn them when you need them.
3. Decide on a strategy for the styling elements and remain with it
ReactJS has a reputation for being flexible. The number of style components in ReactJS is overkill. In any event, you’ll probably only listen to one or two of them through to the end. Pick one and pay close attention to it rather than endeavoring to interact with all the elements of style for the purpose of learning.
4. Build each element separately
We may divide our code into separate components thanks to ReactJS. It would be better to fully profit from this. Instead of juggling numerous components at once, you should practice building one component at a time.
5. In the beginning, server data is really not required
By managing server data and APIs immediately, like in this example of React, the burden of learning anything new may be exacerbated. Remove server data or even substitute false information. Instead of worrying about server data at first, it is best to concentrate on the component architecture while creating simple apps or front-end pipelines for them.
6. Only Concentrate on React
Nor Angular or Vue. It’s possible that you will like Angular over React as a front-end developer. Never hesitate to change to the framework of your choosing. To learn React, it is best to concentrate only on this library. The same is true for any other framework you may be studying. Trying to master each framework at once is not a good idea. You’d grow perplexed and pick things up more slowly. Additionally, you need to be knowledgeable about any of the frameworks when you wish to operate as a front-end developer professionally.
That concludes everything for now. I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this and that it provided you with some guidance on how to begin learning ReactJS or where you should start. ReactJS might be a pretty effective instrument to have in your toolkit if you’re a front-end developer. In any event, ReactJS promotes innovation and creativity more strongly. I hope you have a lot of fun creating new programs, experimenting with them, and learning about ReactJS’s many exciting features.