Even more challenging than creating a quality video is getting people to view it. Just as important as the engineering of products is marketing. With the future of marketing being online or Livestream, you want to market your brands on social platforms; buy YouTube subscribers as a starter. One of the keys to customer engagement is competing with the vast video content out there.
Every minute, more than 500 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube. With all the content, remember the viewers remain the same. All live streaming platforms are competing for the same viewers. Can you ‘hit and hope’ that your content will be viewed? As a streamer, you must focus on planning events and coordinating their production. Most importantly, you need to find the best time for hosting your show. Thankfully, this article takes a deep dive into ways of determining the best time to Livestream your show.
Do you know your viewers?
How do you organize your content? What is the type of content you deliver? Do you keep hopping from topic to topic? If you live stream games that require focus, you need to monitor your audience-know what they do and why they Livestream. In most cases, if your audience is working class, most of them wouldn’t tune in the early morning. You needn’t, therefore, Livestream in the morning because your efforts will be futile.
Do you live stream content that is taken as passion- how to cook? When should you Livestream in this case? In most countries, most people are in their offices in the morning till evening. Cooking is usually done in the morning and evening for breakfast and supper. Lunch is normally taken at the place of work. You would be killing your Livestream when you do it in the afternoon because guess what-nobody will view it.
Do you align your content with the type of material your audience is interested in? Have you matched your live streaming time as per the audience availability? How do you align it anyway? Fast forward, create an ideal persona. While live streaming, you need to create a list of your viewers thereafter dig deep and find more information about them.
Consider how engaged you want your audience to be
What type of message are you trying to put out to the world? How do you want the audience to interact with you, what actions do you want them to take while viewing your Livestream? To what level do you want your audience to be attentive to your delivery? We love multi-tasking. Technological advancement should help up in time management though this is not the case. We usually are distracted, we love spending our time doing things that would not significantly impact our lives at the end of the day.
Think of the last time you were doing the dishes? Were you concurrently doing them while preparing the meals as well? Multi-tasking isn’t bad. It all depends on the level of concentration required by the task at hand.
Doing thorough cleaning while listening to music, for instance, is highly encouraged. It motivates you and gets you out of the rat of whining about how boring house chores are. Do you want your audience to watch while doing other tasks as well? Do you want your viewers to be part of the event?
This depends on the length of your videos. After spending long hours at the office, whom do you expect to spend other hours watching your long boring staff? Despite people’s short concentration span, live streams are viewed more than pre-loaded videos. This is because of their level of engagement. You want to air your live streams in social settings.
What are the public working hours in your country? Are most people working in the private or public sector? If for instance, salespeople finish their meeting at 5 pm and start socializing with colleagues, this is the time you want to lead the discussion and improve your brand familiarity.
Which device do most of your audience use to watch?
Most live streams are viewed on mobile phones. Early on, the screen size was only limited to a few inches. This is not the case anymore. Last year, new installs were introduced that increased phones screen capacity by 400%. Did you know that from Monday to Thursday, we spend around 90 minutes communicating and using social media on our phone and spend 160 minutes from Friday to Sunday on the same? What is the impact of this? What is the best time to catch your viewers? From these insights, it’s glaringly clear that the best time to find your viewers is on weekends. You want to optimize this.
It’s up to you to find the best time to Livestream. Though there is no ‘one size fits it’s all’, with the insights offered here, you will be able to increase your viewers by having proper timing.