CORONAVIRUS is the latest buzz that is taking a country by storm resulting in an increased percentage of death strolls. Live statistics are recording and tracking the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus every day. The terror of incurable disease is spreading with an expedited speed. People have started to lock down themselves at home. A simple sneeze gives lines of worries and a risk of a fatal disease or virus.
Recently, the coronavirus outbreak in China. It has now reached other countries as well. It has not only made the condition worse but the dread of hitting by a coronavirus has made it difficult to carry day to day activities.
Medical science is researching the cure for such a condition, but are not able to come up with the vaccine or treatment to treat the same. Medical experiments are under the rolls.
The phobia of Coronavirus has struck the minds of people, that people often started mixing symptoms of other ailments with corona. Symptoms like vertigo and dizziness are often mixed with symptoms of coronavirus by many as people doubt why they feel dizzy or experience spinning sensations suddenly.
Coronavirus is not only a virus infection that comes with common cold and flu and gets transmitted, but it can even spread three dangerous diseases known as COVID-19, SARS, and MERS.
In this article, we will explain what is coronavirus? What are its symptoms and how its symptoms are different than vertigo symptoms? How it gets transmitted? How to prevent getting affected by coronavirus? And what to do if you are diagnosed with coronavirus?
Table of Contents
What is a coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a bronchitis virus that was earlier found in birds and mammals and can be transmitted to humans by them.
The existence of coronavirus in humans was founded by scientists in 1960. People suffering from a common cold are diagnosed with such a virus earlier.
A person suffering from the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndromes are often considered to be at higher risk of being affected by a coronavirus, stated by medicals.
Coronavirus leads to the common cold rather than a serious ailment. It can even lead to outbreaks if the condition becomes intense.
Coronavirus can get transmitted from animals to humans and even from humans to humans. Knowing the symptoms is a must to prevent your self from a fatal disease.
Prevention is always better than a cure. Why risk life when there are measures of prevention.
Early springs are known as the house of diseases and corona has not been left behind to hit in the timeframe. Coronavirus is likely to spread in winters and monsoons as people are likely to get ill due to cold. The person with a weak immune system is likely to get hit by a coronavirus and catch a cold due to coronavirus which may even recur 4 months later.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
How to know you are being hit by the most dangerous virus named corona or not? What are the symptoms that need immediate medical attention to get your self diagnosed?
Experiencing common cold or flu-like symptoms? If yes, it may be a sign of seasonal changes or may indicate a devasting condition caused due to coronavirus. Slight negligence on your part proves to be hazardous for you as well as your friends and family, whom you come in contact with daily as coronavirus is a communicable disease.
It’s not always necessary, that if you experience corona symptoms it’s the end of life for you!! Relax and take a deep breath, you heard it right.
If you are experiencing mild cold- or flu-like symptoms due to coronavirus, it usually escalated in 2-4 days. The symptoms of coronavirus vary from person to person and in some cases, it can be mild which escalates within a few days if diagnosed and treated correctly on time whereas some forms of coronavirus can be severe and prove to be a life-threatening cause. Infants are always at risk at infectious diseases due to their weak immune system, Gastrointestinal disease in young infants can even be an indicator of coronavirus.
Some common symptoms of coronavirus are:
- Runny nose
- Headache
- Cough and cold
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
- Fever in some cases
- Fatigue
- Feeling unwell
- exacerbated asthma
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) such as pneumonia, respiratory failure, kidney failure, etc.
Is vertigo a symptom of coronavirus?

Feeling dizzy or experiencing spinning sensations? Congrats you are not suffering from hazardous coronavirus!!
By now, you must be clear vertigo and dizziness is not a symptom of coronavirus rather it is a symptom of ENT ailments. If you are experiencing spinning sensations or feeling dizzy frequently, consult an expert neurologist to get yourself diagnosed for vertigo disorders and get treated with the right medications and treatments.
How coronavirus gets transmitted?
Coronavirus gets transmitted from person to person or from animal to person. A scientific report states that it is believed that coronavirus is transmitted through fluids in the respiratory tract.
There are several ways through which coronavirus gets transmitted. Let’s have a look at few:
- Coughing and sneezing without covering mouth with a handkerchief can result in spreading viruses into the air if the person is affected by corona.
- Shaking hands with the infected person, result in the transmission of coronavirus.
- Touching the surface by hands, nose, mouth, etc. that is affected by virus results in spreading coronavirus.
It has been stated by The National Institutes of Health (NIH) that certain groups of people are likely to get hit by a coronavirus (COVID-19).
People who are at higher risk of developing complications due to coronavirus are:
- Young kids
- People that lie in the age group of 65 years
- Pregnant women
How to prevent yourself from getting affected by coronavirus?
Scientists are buckled upon their work to gauge the impact of coronavirus but are not yet succeeded in finding the accurate cause and treatment that can be published in concern of public health.
Its been a clear statement by medicals, that the vaccine and treatment for coronavirus are yet not found and is not coming anytime soon.
The work is under sheets!! Hope for the best.
As there is no cure for coronavirus once you get hit by the same, self-care and prevention will work. Following certain steps helps in preventing yourself from corona:
- Take proper rest and avoid overexerting your self
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water daily.
- Make it a habit of drinking 2 cups of green tea daily to make your immune system strong
- Take a protein-rich diet.
- Prohibit smoking and smoky areas as a virus can spread through the smoke.
- Take acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen if you are experiencing any pain or fever.
- Wash your hands before and after, whenever you eat anything. Carry sanitizer regularly.
- Keep your work stations and surroundings clean.
- Avoid crowded places, if necessary wear a mask and keep a distance with a person experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
- Avoid close contact with other people.
- Use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer.
- Maintain hygiene in-home and workplace by keeping the surroundings clean.
How coronavirus is diagnosed?
Coronavirus can be diagnosed by medical experts after examining your symptoms closely and asking you to undergo various laboratory tests.
Your doctor may take a sample of respiratory fluids such as mucus from the nose or blood to carry out a laboratory test to diagnose the prevalence of coronavirus.
What if you are diagnosed with coronavirus?
If we talk about recent dynamics, no specific treatment or vaccine has been found to treat the same. A majority of people who are diagnosed with mild coronavirus recovered on self within a few days and who entered the next stage the virus proves fatal for them.
If you are experiencing mild or moderate cold-like symptoms, you are advised to do the following:
- Stay at home
- Avoid contact
- Use handkerchief or tissue while sneezing and coughing and dump it properly.
- Do not touch any clean surfaces.
- Wear a mask
Do not just ignore a simple sneeze, consult your doctor as he may diagnose corona at the initial stage and can help you in relieving symptoms.
The sooner you get diagnosed, the better!!!