The table of blood tests is as long as 300-400 tests in every diagnostic lab. Out of these, some tests are performed very frequently in large numbers. These tests are fundamental for doctors to diagnose problems. Health check-ups are required to maintain a healthy life. Let’s look at some prevalent lab tests in India.
What is the importance of lab testing in India?
The ability to detect, diagnose, and treat patients with diseases at an early stage is greatly enhanced by medical laboratory testing. To potentially save time, funds, and health problems down the road, patients should consent to lab testing on a regular basis. This will enable doctors to react quickly with preventative medication. To rephrase, laboratory testing is a primary measure to ensure a patient’s overall health.
A patient’s interaction with the health care business is heavily influenced by laboratory findings, which are used to determine their diagnosis, therapy, hospitalization, and discharge.
The majority of laboratory tests are carried out by medical laboratory scientists, who are also called clinical laboratory technicians or clinical technologists. After collecting samples of urine and blood, these medical experts evaluate them and report their findings to doctors. They need to be very analytical and self-reliant in order to carry out the biological, chemical, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, as well as bacteriological tests.
The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) facilitates communication between these professionals so that they can stay abreast of developments in the field of clinical laboratory science. They frequently host informative and sometimes even open-to-the-public seminars as well as discussions on the latest innovations in their sector. The credibility of the lab testing sector depends on these doctors being informed and helping each other out.
Top 20 Lab Tests in India
CRP (C-reactive protein) test
CRP test is used to detect inflammation in the body or infection. The CRP levels indicate inflammation in the body because of infections which is extremely unspecific like problems in the heart, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.
LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) test
LDH is an enzyme that is found in our body cells or tissues of the liver, brain, kidneys, muscles, and pancreas. The LDH looks for damage in body tissues. This test measures the amount of LDH in our blood or other fluids.
ANCA (anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies) test
ANCA are autoantibodies produced by our immune system. These antibodies attack neutrophils (a type of white blood cells) which can cause autoimmune vasculitis. This disease can lead to the swelling of blood vessels. ANCA test is performed to find out the type of vasculitis that a person might be suffering from or to monitor treatment of the disorder.
BMP (basic metabolism panel)
BMP is conducted to check the body’s fluid balance, electrolyte levels, and the functioning of the kidneys. It is a group of eight tests that check glucose, calcium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine.
Lipid profile
Lipids are fatty constituents of cells and are a source of energy. They are of high, low, and very low density. High levels of proteins like triglycerides and cholesterol can prove fatal to health. A lipid profile has a series of tests that are performed to check the levels of different types of lipids in our body.
ESR (erythrocyte sediment rate) test
Inflammation is the reaction of the human body to injury, trauma, infection, or autoimmune diseases. ESR is done to check the sedimentation rate of red blood cells (erythrocytes). This rate informs us about the amount of CRP and fibrinogen present in the blood. It is not a diagnostic test particularly. It is just a means to detect whether inflammation persists.
7. ALT (Alanine aminotransferase) test
The ALT test is performed to find out about the damage in the liver. ALT is manufactured by the liver to break down food into sugar. This is supposed to be presented in small quantities. If the amount of ALT increases inside our body, then it might be an indication of an ongoing or upcoming liver problem. Usually, the ALT test is done to keep track of the treatment of a liver problem that is in progress.
TIBC (Total iron binding capacity) test
Iron is a very essential mineral for manufacturing hemoglobin (part of RBCs that carries oxygen). A deficiency of iron (anemia) is hazardous as it affects the supply of oxygen to the body parts and organs. TIBC test is conducted to find out the amount of iron in the blood as excessively high or low levels of iron can prove to be harmful.
RPR (rapid plasma region) test
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). RPR test is prescribed to find out the presence of antibodies that are produced as a reaction to bacteria that cause syphilis. RPR test helps to confirm if a person is suffering from syphilis or not and to find out the effectiveness of treatment that a syphilis patient might be undergoing.
Urine Protein test
This test is performed to check the amount of protein in urine. Urine isn’t supposed to have protein. But due to malfunctioning kidneys, diabetes, dehydration, high blood pressure urinary test infection (UTI) protein might be found. High levels of protein in the urine aren’t a good indication and require treatment.
GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) test
GGT is a transfer enzyme used by the liver for the assimilation of drugs and poisons. Enzymes are molecules used in chemical reactions in the body. This enzyme is concentrated in the liver and is the most sensitive indicator for liver diseases or disorders. It is generally conducted on people suffering from alcoholism and is exposed to the risk of liver damage.
CBC (complete blood count) test
Complete blood count measures the overall cell count in the blood and detects the risks of developing disorders related to blood like anemia. It takes the cell count of RBCs, WBCs, haemoglobin, and platelets. While they might not point at some specific disease, CBC tests can indicate a few of them. CBC Lab tests in India are Common tests and we have done any diagnosis centres.
Kidney Function test
This blood test unfolds the GFR (glomerular filtration rate) of the kidneys. This test reveals the amount of a waste product called creatinine which is produced from muscle tissue. When kidneys are malfunctioning creatinine increases in the blood. Kidney function test helps to find out how the kidneys are working. This is the most common Lab test in India.
LFT (liver function test)
Measures the amount of proteins, liver enzymes, and bilirubin. A liver panel includes the ALT test, ASP test, ALP test, albumin test, and bilirubin test. This test tells about liver problems and it’s functioning.
BUN (blood urea nitrogen) test
This test reveals how kidneys and livers work. Urea nitrogen is supposed to be flushed out of the body after a complete breakdown. If the levels of this compound is high, then it indicates a problem with either the liver or the kidney.
Mono (mononucleosis) test
This test is done to predict the presence of antibodies produced against Epstein-barr virus (EBV). It includes a mono-spot test and an EBV antibody test.
Thyroid Profile
It is a series of panels that check the quantity of T3, T4, TSH, and T3RU hormones in the blood. These tests are necessary to find out if the body has appropriate amounts of these hormones to keep away disorders related to the thyroid.
ANA (anti-nuclear antibody) test
ANA are autoantibodies produced by the immune system. They cause damage to tissues. This test is conducted to find out about the presence of these antibodies and the autoimmune disorders they might lead to.
Glucose levels
The glucose levels in the blood might drop or elevate depending on the digestive system and the functioning of glands. These levels are tested to find out about the probability of developing a disease like diabetes or finding problematic organ functioning.
Microalbumin test
This test is done to check for signs of developing kidney damage. It tests the presence of albumin in the urine to get to know about the working of kidneys. It is usually done in patients who are exposed to kidney diseases due to family history.
These blood tests are necessary for highlighting any disorders at their initial stages. Lab tests diagnose the dangers that we might be exposed to, unknowingly. They also are a method to keep track of the effects of medications on the body.