The pepper spray is one of the most effective and risk-free self defense equipment that has ever been created. It is a spray that has ingredients that include pepper and capsicum. It is used by spraying it onto the face of the trouble maker.
With crime rates towering up daily, it has become the need of the hour to be equipped with the right type of self defense weapons and even to have the ability to make your way out of trouble when you are all one. The spray weapon is one type that is the best in keeping you safe.
Today, like all other weapons, you get to choose from a variety of sprays that fall under the collection of the spray gun. They are comfortable and productive to use and do not involve any sorts of risk. Let us dive into further details on the spray guns.
Pepper Spray for Sale – Couple of Varieties on Display
Like said in the section above, the Pepper Spray for sale comes in a couple of cool varieties that you find displayed in weapon stores. Listed below are few weapons that you will bump into:
● Designed Pepper Spray Gun
The designed pepper spray gun is a gun that comes with cool casings or pouches. The flower created gun suits females because of the fancy design it has. There is a snakeskin gun that has a pouch that features a snakeskin pattern. You get to buy the bling design gun that has a cool dotted pattern. The coolest gun from this collection is the one that has a zebra pattern. It is a gun that is not to be missed.
● Plain Spray
Contrary to the product mentioned above, the guns in this collection are plain colored that could be red, blue, or similar. The plain colors give you a formal look you need in your guns. Carrying them will provide you with a professional look. The guns also have a keychain as an added feature for your use.
● Instafire Self Defense Pepper Spray
The instafire self defense pepper spray is meant for people that have an active and healthy lifestyle. Many joggers, runners, and office going people need to be on the rush 24/7, and this weapon has been specially designed for keeping their needs in mind. It comes with a knuckle that you wear and can carry the gun in the palm while doing anything you want.
● Olympian Spray Gun
The Olympian spray gun is the best pepper spray that one can get for them. That is because this product is a combination of many weapons. It has a bright LED light that can catch the sight of enemies from a long distance. It has a hot spray that can cause tough people to be taken down with ease, and the product has a stun gun, which is an electric gun that delivers high voltage current to the person attacked with it.
● Pepper Spray Keychain
The pepper spray keychain is a cool dual combo tool that has the powers of a spray and also has a keychain attached to it that can be used for the purpose of ringing your keys. In one place, with one tool, you get to keep yourself safe and your belongings safe.
Can Pepper Spray Kill You?
One question that has been inquired a lot is whether the spray can kill you or not, but the fact of the time is that the sprays are not lethal. The sensation they cause is temporary and only lasts a little while.
Will Pepper Spray Stop an Attacker?
Another most asked question that we get is if you can stop the attacker with the gun. Yes, the spray causes a disturbing sensation, which leaves the attacker on the ground for a good deal of time, allowing you to catch them or escape yourself.
What is the Best Self Defense Weapon to Carry?
The best self defense weapon to carry is the instafire gun because it comes with a handwear, and you get to do your routine tasks with a safety weapon in hand.
What Does The Spray Do?
Once you spray directly onto the opponent’s face, it causes irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat that forces them to sit down or lie down. The spray also has an invisible dye, which can help authorities find out the criminal if he escapes from the scene.
Where to Buy Pepper Spray From?
This question has a couple of answers. Just like the wide varieties it has, it is also available at a variety of places. You can look for them online at places like the PAknives and ask them to deliver it to you. Or, you can go on to purchase them from physical weapon markets and can pick the spray based on the knowledge given.
Buy Pepper Spray Today
The guide may have bought you to the point of purchasing pepper spray for yourself. The good thing they are not expensive at all. You can buy them in bulk to earn money, or you can buy them for your safety. Check out the cool types of spray guns available and buy your pepper spray today.