A press release is known as a news release that includes the contact information, including the name, phone number, and Email address of the specific person that has written the press. It also includes current breaking news stories along with citing quotes and standard information, which they collect from different news platforms such as websites and apps.
Press Release is written more effectively by adding unique story ideas that are timely and newsworthy. It also offers an editorial calendar for defining what and when someone is writing. The broadcasting of news is completed through the newswire or some other news casting services.
The press release is based on one or two pages including 150 to 200 words with dozen of content to attract the readers. Research shows that more than 63% of preferred media are press releases and are trusted by 44% of journalists for providing branded information.
The quality of the press is based on the quality of an idea, and these ideas are generated through organizational brainstorming campaigns, inviting new client proposals, and updating existing concepts.
Table of Contents
Ultimate Guide to Press Release Submission
The submission of the Press Release is the most important step, and the sender has to take the right distribution plan for releasing the press. The press release is easily distributed on land through different mediums such as newspapers, radio, TV news bulletins, podcasts, and blogs.
Submission of Press releases is only completed efficiently by following the four steps in sequence. The first step to attracting the audience is to start with a newsworthy topic by using a catchy heading with bold phrases, quotes, and statistics.
The second step is the eye-catching headline by adding numbers, accurate headlines, action words, and colourful adjectives. The third step is the Call to Action so that the readers spend less time reading the whole press release.
The fourth step is to send the press release time so that the audience will get information in a timely. The best three press release services include EIN Presswire, 24/7 Releases, and eReleases. EIN Presswire includes an RSS feed on your website for free.
24/7 Releases is the best platform that offers PR distribution services even for small businesses. It includes FTP/XML, a data feed solution, and excellent press release distribution for a valuable audience. While eReleases works with professional journalists with a complete personal database of journalists.
The following are Various Press Release Submission Points:
- Find the Press Release Site
- Visit the Targeted Site and provide the required information like Username, Password, and Email I’d.
- Verify the Account
- Provide the Headline, Summary, Keywords, Contact Information, and other Required Information.
- The Fifth Step is to wait for Final Approval from the PR submission website, it will publish your Article
- Some of the PR submission Website offers Premium Services
Why is Press Release Submission Required?
Press Release is based on writing about upcoming or new events, products, and services of any specific company that wants to advertise its product by using a PR platform. It offers an off-page SEO strategy for optimizing your new business or de-bottlenecking of existing business.
This platform uses various techniques such as keyword optimization, honesty, and information to engage the interest of the audience. Moreover, it is used to transfer specific information to the targeted users.
The Press Release is an important step for providing the backlinks and optimizing the traffic on your website. It offers various techniques for optimizing the traffic to your website, including keyword-optimizing techniques for increasing sales.
The marketing cost is also reduced by using the Press Release submission as it switches on to the SEO technique for finding your website. It reduces much time and cost of ranking your website through the backlink of your website.
What is the goal of a press release?
Any time a person, group, or company wants to alert the media about anything important, they can write out a press release and send it out to them.
Press releases are written with the intention of attracting both media attention and general interest in the topics covered. Companies, nonprofits, government agencies, as well as individuals all use press releases as a basic technique in public relations (PR) to inform the public about important news, accomplishments, or updates.
Members of the media, including reporters, editors, as well as bloggers, who could be able to use this data to inform those who receive these messages. Email, online distribution systems, and more conventional methods of mail and faxing are all viable options for their delivery. An organization’s communication plan can benefit from a well-written press release in several ways, including raising awareness of the brand, influencing public opinion, and securing media coverage.
A press release’s primary purpose is to disseminate information on your company.
Among the many varieties of news releases are:
- Official news release
- Announcement of New Product Release
- News release for the event
- Announcement of Acquisition
- Update on new employee
- Release announcing significant milestone
- Publication of financial results
- Official announcement of a partnership or collaboration
- Press release about crisis management
- News release regarding an honor or trophy
- Publication about corporate social responsibility or involvement with the community
- A press release containing study findings or a white paper
- Media release on rebranding
- Statement of expert opinion or public statement of thought leadership
- Press release for seasonal or holiday-related campaigns
- Press announcement regarding a charitable endeavor or contribution
Benefits of Using a Submission Site:
- Super Quick Service to find Journalist Email Addresses
- Easy Access to World’s Largest Media
- Some platforms are limited to specific Niche and Industry
- Platforms often Increase your Visibility
How to Manage Your Press Release Content in SEO?
The Press Release is an important way to communicate the company news and upcoming events. The first 250 words play an important role in your content, and it offers two important reasons; the first one is about the relevant content because it includes an easier search engine algorithm.
The second step is the make sure that the information is relevant and that the audience does not lose interest. Hyperlinks and bold important keywords are helpful in providing the appropriate links to the main keyword for providing the backlink to your website.

When you are writing SEO-friendly content, the mistake you always conduct is that you replace permanent backlinks, which are totally different from the main topic. That links don’t make any relation with your main heading, so it is necessary that you should use permeant links of those sites which are totally relatable to your content.
The introduction of your content gives the first impression of your whole Article, and the writer has to make sure that the topic is newsworthy. It is the most tricky to qualify as newsworthy and to write according to the requirements of the audience.
Following are the five tips to optimize a press release for SEO
Include Keywords:
Keywords included in the press release play an important role in easy searching by the targeted audience for the recognition of the content. The average search of digital PR is 320 words per month, and it is proven helpful in improving the popularity of your desired website.
The addition of keywords is also based on some tips and tricks which are, avoiding keyword padding, adding at least one premium keyword in the main heading, using mostly searched keywords of the audience, adding current and upcoming events, and also using branding keywords.
Intent must be clear:
The intent of the press release must be clear so that the audience can easily understand the meaning of the Article. The writer must include features and benefits so that the audience can easily know the meaning and its benefits easily.
On the basis of research, the global communication report stated that 88% of digital public relations are based on storytelling and get the most trustworthy by the public.
Catchy Headlines:
Catchy Headlines is proven helpful in increasing traffic when the writer adds the first 4 to 6 words according to the demand of the audience that result takes an interest. The catchy headings mostly include keywords for ranking the website.
Bold the Important Phrases, Quotes, and Statistics:
The writer must have to bold the important phrases, quotes, and statistics that will automatically increase the recent press release. These bolded words provide the authenticity and authority to genuine information.
First Paragraph Optimized:
First Paragraph Optimized is an important way to attract the audience to the Article. The first 250 words play an important role in your content and offer two important reasons. The first is about the relevant content, and the second is to bold the important information because it includes an easier search engine algorithm.
Appropriate Hyperlinks for Anchor Text:
The appropriate hyperlink is a specific highlighted word that is linked to your website to increase the traffic and high ranking of your site. This hyperlink is used to engage the targeted users towards your website that keeps your anchor text and link to the limit of usage.
The hyperlink is attached in such a way that it uses a specific keyword rather than including the catchphrase. It totally depends on the best practice, such as for more information or reading more options.
Using Digital Format:
The most important step to pitching the website is the usage of digital format, and the single webpage is designed in such a way that the format must be according to demand. For an impressive digital layout, the writer must include headings, subheadings, bold, and italics to create a short and clear paragraph.
The digital format includes the logo at the top of the webpage, release date, main press release headline, sender contact information, city, state, month, date, boilerplate, and a final note that is optional at the end of the webpage.
Work On Time:
When the publisher is going to publish the press release, the most important thing to keep in mind is to complete the press release on time. The best time for releasing the press is between 10 am to 2 pm because most of the editors open one-third of all emails they have received.
The early morning time is less effective, and the open rate dropped to 20.5% on the basis of research between 6 and 10 am. When the press is released on time, the audience gets to benefit from your press, and the worth of your webpage is automatically created.
The Visual and Other Media:
The visual and other media will highly affect the sense of human beings and are also helpful for easy understanding of the content. The press release must include interesting featured images and short videos to engage the audience.
The social media sharing buttons, including Facebook, Twitter, emails, and others, are proven helpful in optimizing the announcement to get the audience to share the link. When the link to your webpage is shared, then it will raise the algorithm rating.
Pitch For Your Company:
The company must provide an embodiment of your mind when you are pitching for the company. During the product release and service announcement, you have to provide the information that must show the passion of your company.
The following steps are used to consider while writing the SEO-friendly press release:
- Achievements by Company or Personnel
- Informative Resources
- Special Events
- Charitable Donations
- Award Won or Given
- New Product and Services
- Giveaways and Promotions
- Organizational or Staff Changes
Steps to Submit Free PR:
Following are the various steps for submitting the free PR:
- Sending your daily release to local media networks, including newspapers, magazines, Radio Stations, TV stations, News directors, or PSA directors for digital marketing of your content.
- Targeted Newspaper, Online Newspaper, or by using other social media platforms surrounding to optimize your business
- Verify the Account for sending the backlink of your site for expanding the business
- Submitting the press release to the well-renowned players of the required field, including noted bloggers, and industry leader
- The submission of the Article is completed by finding the email address of well-renowned bloggers and sending the email by attaching a sample of your content.
- Using distribution service to save time in searching the outlets for the press release.
- The free press release distribution service offers only limited exposure. The main goal of the writer has to pitch many people to optimize the business.
List of More Free Press Release Submission Sites
Sr # | URL | DR | DA | SS % |
1. | https://prfree.org/ | 43 | 50 | 17 |
2. | https://www.freeprnow.com/ | 42 | 52 | 10 |
3. | https://blog.giganticlist.com/ | 46 | 25 | 6 |
4. | https://marketpressrelease.com/ | 42 | 46 | 15 |
5. | https://www.prfire.co.uk/ | 39 | 51 | 1 |
6. | https://travpr.com/ | 37 | 41 | 17 |
7. | https://story.wallclassifieds.com/ | 42 | 23 | 3 |
8. | https://articles.h1ad.com/ | 47 | 17 | 6 |
9 | https://article.classifiedsfactor.com/ | 42 | 20 | 0 |
10 | https://www.ologames.com/ | 24 | 26 | 0 |
11. | https://blogs.findermaster.com/ | 45 | 21 | 8 |
12. | https://article.advertiseera.com/ | 41 | 16 | 13 |
13 | https://blog.shopolop.com/ | 46 | 18 | 3 |
14. | https: //www.npr.org/ | 92 | 93 | 0 |
15. | https: //www.businesswire.com/ | 92 | 92 | 0 |
16. | http: //www.prweb.com/ | 91 | 91 | 3 |
17. | https: //www.betanews.com/ | 82 | 87 | 2 |
18. | https: //w.globenewswire.com/ | 91 | 87 | 0 |
19. | https: //www.prlog.org/ | 83 | 82 | 1 |
20. | https: //www.mediapost.com/ | 88 | 81 | 4 |
21. | https: //www.newswire.com/ | 83 | 76 | 3 |
22. | https: //www.pr.com/ | 83 | 69 | 0 |
23. | https: //www.pr-inside.com/ | 81 | 67 | 0 |
24. | https: //www.openpr.com/ | 71 | 65 | 4 |
25 | https://www.npr.org/ | 93 | 80 | 5 |
26 | https://www.businesswire.com/ | 92 | 74 | 1 |
27 | https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/ | 67 | 61 | 7 |
28 | https://www.directionsmag.com/ | 59 | 55 | 5 |
29 | https://www.prleap.com/ | 55 | 57 | 3 |
30 | https://www.newswiretoday.com/ | 54 | 55 | 1 |
31 | https://www.prurgent.com/ | 52 | 52 | 18 |
32 | https://www.1888pressrelease.com/ | 53 | 57 | 31 |
33 | https://pressbox.com/ | 36 | 44 | 20 |
34 | https://www.prbuzz.com/ | 48 | 54 | 14 |
35 | https://briefingwire.com/ | 48 | 51 | 11 |
36 | https://blog.freeadstime.org/ | 54 | 37 | 7 |
37 | https://www.prnewsblog.com/ | 53 | 37 | 7 |
38 | https://www.cgidir.com/ | 33 | 48 | 5 |
39 | https://www.przoom.com/ | 29 | 52 | 3 |
40 | https://www.issuewire.com/ | 47 | 53 | 1 |
41 | https://www.einpresswire.com/ | 63 | ||
42 | https://presscenter.com/ | 29 | 5 | |
43 | https://prnewsreach.in/ | 1 | ||
44 | https://onlineprnews.com/ | 55 | ||
45 | https://www.1888pressrelease.com/ | 53 | ||
46 | https://pressat.co.uk/ | 56 | ||
47 | https://www.prnewswire.com/ | 92 | ||
48 | https://www.webwire.com/ | 66 | ||
49 | http://www.sbwire.com/ | 63 | ||
50 | https://www.realwire.com/ | 63 | ||
51 | https://www.pressreleasepoint.com/ | 60 | ||
52 | https://www.accesswire.com/ | 59 | ||
53 | https://www.prdistribution.com/ | 58 | ||
54 | https://www.send2press.com/ | 57 | ||
55 | https://onlineprnews.com/ | 56 | ||
56 | http://www.releasewire.com/ | 56 | ||
57 | https://www.prunderground.com/ | 52 | ||
58 | http://www.prsync.com/ | 51 | ||
59 | http://pressbox.co.uk/ | 51 | ||
60 | https://live-pr.com/ | 50 |
Press Release Submission Benefits
In PR campaigns, the most important tool is a press release that offers a targeted audience, adds value, contributes to the branding process, sustainability, and affordable cost. The top ten benefits of the press release are summarized below:
Affordable Cost:
The press release service is available in a much more efficient and affordable way than all other advertising platforms. Moreover, cost management is the most important factor at each level so that your product will advertise without spending much cost.
The user has to keep monitoring the process of the press release and avoid any kind of complications which may lead to incurring a high cost. Press Release agencies are also used to manage various tasks, including writing, distribution, and reporting process, and avoid turnkey services to become cost-efficient.
Communicating with Targeted Audience:
The Press Release Service offers various effective ways for reaching the targeted audience to optimize the business. The press release directly reaches the targeted audience and also correlates through newsworthiness. The authentic deep style of the press release does not feel like advertising the product.
The brand recognition effects longer when the collaboration with the targeted audience is through print and online media. The targeted audience is attracted by the well-known author of the content, which leads to a better impact on your brand image and status.
Advertisement Value:
Advertisement Value offers print and online media for advertising the product through ads and relations. The main difference between the press release and other advertising media is that the press release is more cost-effective as compared to other advertising media.
Generally, an individual or organization uses the newspaper, magazine, news site, and blogging media for advertising the product of the advertisers. The trustworthy style of press release service does not feel like advertising the product.
Search Engine Optimization and Recognition:
Search Engine Optimization and Recognition are proven to help in optimizing the website by increasing traffic. Online press release sites have an important effect on the appreciation in a search engine and optimizing your site by offering a backlink to your website.

When the user selects the regular way of communication, then the name of the user comes on the top of the search, and the search engine observes the user name to consider it as a source. The writing of SEO complaints is proven helpful for increasing website traffic.
Reliability, Image, and Reputation:
Reliability, Image, and Reputation are the important factors for advertising the product on well-reputed websites as these websites are most trusted by the audience. When the number of stories increases in the press release, then the branding of the product comes with positive traffic.
Branding of the product is an important factor in increasing the positive traffic to your website when the news stories are featured in well-known newspaper, magazines, news sites, blogs, and social media to increase the reliability, image, and reputation.
Online Branding is important for the individual or the organization to get maximum positive traffic to their website. To create a positive perception of the surroundings, the individual or the organization has to maintain and develop trust with the audience.
Return is the factor that is used to carry out all business activities, including sales and communication, to achieve maximum benefit and revenue. The most well-known activity that payoff to brand image and brand reputation is the press release contribution.
The promotion of brand recognition is an important step for achieving the goal and getting the trust of an audience by including creation and distribution. The success of a press release does not depend on a single point of view.
Public Disclosure:
Public Disclosure is the important public board that provides information regarding upcoming events and important rules of journalism. It is research-based and includes quotes by experts for easy understanding by the public.
Sustainability is an important factor in advertising, profile-raising, and public relations actions that are carried out on a regular basis. These press release activities are sustained at affordable pricing, even for the individual or for the organization.
Visibility is an important factor in a press release that is used to increase the worth of your brand. The Top of Mind is an important step in raising the businesses and sales operations. While using the press release activities, the user can easily improve the recognition and preference chances.
Conclusion: Press Release Submission Sites
Press Release Submission Sites are proven helpful in optimizing the health of a website through backlinks that are connected from one page or website to another primary website or page. It notifies and clears all the threat influences and activities responsible for the damage.
Therefore, according to Press Release Submission sites, they offer super quick service to finding Journalist Email Addresses and easy access to the world’s largest digital media for ranking the website. It offers various techniques for optimizing the traffic to your website, including keyword-optimizing techniques for increasing sales.
There are many other alternatives available that offer free services and cover all the issues of this platform. It will help customers to choose the best option for their personal and individual needs. You can select the best free website for the submission of a press release.