
How Does Antivirus Software Work?

Antivirus Software

We all use PCs, smartphones, Tablets, Mac and other devices that run on some or other operating system. To protect our data and privacy, we use different types of software depending on our device. One of them is Antivirus software as we think it keeps us away from viruses. That is true but that’s not only what it does. Here in this article, you will explore what Antivirus software is and how does Antivirus software work.

What is means of Virus in Computer World?

A virus is a small program designed by hackers to bug your computer. Such programs breach cyber securities and get into your computer to spy on your, get your confidential information, banking details, cause identity theft, or host your computer to send different bugs to other devices. Spyware, trojan, malware, adware, worms are programs from the same family to harm devices and your privacy. Imagine someone is looking at you through your webcam or logged into your Facebook account to use your credentials for an unethical purpose.

What is an Antivirus?

Antivirus software is designed to detect and remove viruses, spyware, malware, trojan, adware, and other malicious threats that hackers use to get into your system. Such software is designed to be used as a precautionary measure to safeguard our data from cyber threats and security breaches.

If you believe that you won’t be affected by any malicious program as you don’t visit an unsecured website, you are wrong. Threats can enter your computer through any means like email links, attachments, downloaded programs, shared photos, connecting external devices like Hard drive, USB stick or any other network attack. Hackers have invented new ways to get into your computer and steal your confidential information as they are aware of how Antivirus works.

How Does Antivirus Softwares Work?

When you download and install an Antivirus program on your computer, it comes with a huge database of already known virus codes, bugs, links and other information. While it runs a scan on all incoming and outgoing files, it scans the data for such codes and alarms you as and when something is detected.

Antivirus programs are designed not only to detect but to eliminate the program from entering into your system. If there is already something in your computer or connected devices, Antivirus programs either quarantine them or delete them from the device.

It is mandatory to regularly update your Antivirus program if it is not designed to fetch auto-updates. Every day there are new codes invented to get into your computer and steal your information. With software updates, Antivirus programs update its database library with newly identified codes so as to safeguard your data with these new codes.

With every incoming and outgoing program, file, email or code, Antivirus program scans and compares its code with the database. If there is anything identical found, it takes precautionary measure.

Antivirus Features

Now that you know how Antivirus works, let’s get to know about some basic functions of an Antivirus. There are Antiviruses that just protect you from virus attacks however if you go for a paid version, you get added benefits. Premium Antivirus program comes with multiple additional features bundled with them. You can explore the comparison of the Best Antivirus Software for Windows 10 that you can use in 2021.

Real-Time Protection: An Antivirus is supposed to offer you real-time protection. Prevention is better than cure! While you are online, it should act as a shield to prevent you from any malicious attack.

Automatic Updates: An Antivirus program is supposed to update its database on a regular basis. Every day there are numerous threats and codes released to bug your computer. An updated Antivirus can protect you from the latest and vintage attacks.

Multi-level Scanning: Antivirus programs are only good if they perform multilevel scanning. It should deep dive into all your files and folders on internal and external storage devices, emails, attachments, webpages, and browser activities, etc.

Delete not Quarantine: Gone are those days when Antivirus programs used to quarantine identified threats. Now, almost all the Antivirus programs eliminate found infections.

Total Security: While buying an Antivirus program, we need to ensure that it offers total security from different types of virus, spyware, trojan, malware, adware, bugs and worms. It should be a one-stop solution for all security concerns.

Multiple Inbuilt Utilities: An Antivirus should not just function for security purposes but should also offer other system utilities like duplicate removal, driver updater, software uninstaller, privacy protection, and multilevel security.

Summing Up

Don’t compromise on your data, privacy, or identity by using the best Antivirus program for your device. Now that you know how a virus works and how does Antivirus software works, it should be clear to you about the need for robust Antivirus software. You can also refer to the Antivirus features that describe what to expect from an Antivirus and how Antivirus works on different aspects of security concerns. Stay secured and protected while using a smart Antivirus program.

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