
Are Hair Transplants The Best Option To Combat Rapid Hair Loss?

Hair Transplants

Hair can be really important to many people, which is why losing it rapidly can be a painful shock. Hair loss and balding are conditions that affect a huge number of men and women around the world. It is natural to lose hair after a certain age. However, due to multiple factors, people are starting to lose hair and face balding at much younger ages. in this article know all about Hair Transplants.

Risk factors for balding might include a wide range of factors like genetics, skin conditions, and other factors like stress and pollution. The best Hair transplants in Pune are gaining huge momentum amongst people who have to go through rapid hair loss earlier than they’re comfortable with.

Hair transplants are aimed at restoring hair growth in areas of the scalp with limited growth. These are only treatments for hair loss, however, and cannot cure the condition. However, it can promote and restore your hairline to its former glory.

You might have many questions about considering getting a transplant. Any surgery comes with its prerequisites and risks. This one is no different. However, it has provided great results for a large section of people.

How does it Work?

Hair transplanting is a surgical process that involves removing hair follicles from donor sites on the body like the face or legs and then transplanting them on the hairless portion of the scalp. This process is permanent and is aimed at picking up follicular clusters of hair.

The procedure can be carried out in two ways, strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction or FUE. With the former, skin strips with good hair growth are planted on the balding sites. For FUE, clusters with their roots are removed manually before planting them on the balding site.

Strip harvesting is very popular because it leaves a very thin scar or none and recovery time is short. FUE is a manual process, so it takes longer. It leaves behind no marks at all, but it is not a high cost or time effective process.

Healing Time

Even though this is a non-invasive procedure, it remains a surgery. The procedure is painless as anesthesia is given to the patient. Most patients are asked to make time for extensive healing for at least two weeks after surgery to allow their scalp to heal. Most patients are allowed to mildly wash their after two or three days, but sunscreen is advised when exposed to the sun. Patients are also asked to take antibiotics for a short course.

Transplanted hair behaves like natural hair and also falls between two to four weeks post the surgery. The roots that sprout hair and act like your natural scalp. The process does not guarantee you better hair and is only a treatment to promote natural hair growth.

Side Effects:

There are no major complications with this procedure. There are, however, a few side effects that you should keep a lookout for. With immediate attention and good post-surgery care, these side effects aren’t of grave concern.

  1. Infection and bleeding: Hair transplants involve making cuts and incisions in different parts of the scalp. An incision is made while removing the donor follicles and one is made to place them on the scalp. This is why there is a slight risk of bleeding or an infection.
  2. Scars: There is a slight risk of having a few scars after the surgery. This is mostly the case if an infection is left untreated for a while, but can occur as a result of the procedure as well. The strip method can leave a long scar, but it usually gets concealed with the new hair.
  3. Swelling: Some people might experience slight pain for a few days after the procedure. There might also be some swelling or redness in the affected areas. Doctors might advise you to take a pain killer to help you manage the pain or to reduce swelling.

If you’re considering getting a hair transplant, remember to find a specialist to avoid complications. The Best Hair transplants in Pune are highly recommended for their expert treatments and highly professional doctors.

Remember to consider both pre and post-operation requirements and plan on when to get the surgery accordingly. Talk to your doctor about if you’re a good candidate, the procedure, and any other queries you might have.

In conclusion, hair transplants are permanent treatment and can be expensive as well. Getting it done can be very rewarding, but always ensure checking all the possible outcomes. If you are still considering it, book a consultation immediately.

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