Being the body’s crucial organ, the heart helps to transport oxygen to every part of the body and keeps baleful particles away. Apart from this, it also supplies nutrients and crucial hormones to the different organs of the body. The heart helps in maintaining optimum blood pressure and promotes our well-being. That’s why it’s essential to take care of your heart by eating nutritional foods and avoiding unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking. In this article know about the different type of Cardiovascular Disease.
Unhealthy eating habits like consuming tobacco and alcohol can affect the heart’s functions. It can lead to increased blood pressure, increased blood glucose, obesity, etc. These are the initial symptoms of cardiovascular disease. These symptoms give you the warning that you are at high risk of heart store or other cardiovascular disease complications. Don’t take the above health issues lightly, as they can become big health problems later on.
As soon as you perceive heart-related symptoms, you should start consuming fruits and vegetables and reduce salt consumption. And bear in mind to consult the best cardiologist near you. They will diagnose the actual heart condition and recommend the right treatment. There are several types of cardiovascular disorders, some of which are the following.
The heart is a special muscle, which beats in a rhythm. The average heart rate of children is 100 beats/min, while for adults normal heart rate is 60 to 100 beats/min. But, sometimes heartbeat gets uneven, and this condition is known as Arrhythmia. This problem arises because of smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, anxiety, and a genetic disorder. This condition is also known as dysrhythmia and results in a very rapid or very slow heartbeat. Dysrhythmia can be cured with medication or an ablation procedure.
If you are experiencing heart palpitations, stop eating foods containing caffeine and gluten because they can make the condition worse.
Problems Related To Heart Valve
The heart is composed of 4 chambers and four valves; the tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral valve, and aortic valve. These valves help the blood to move correctly from one chamber to another. However, sometimes the valves do not open properly, and this condition is known as Stenosis. The thickening of the flaps of the valve is the main reason behind Stenosis. In such a condition, the heart needs to put extra effort to transmit blood through the affected valve, and due to this, the other parts of the body may not receive sufficient amounts of oxygen.
When the heart valve does not close in the right way and allows blood to leak, such a condition is known as regurgitation. Sometimes this problem is inferior and does not harm the function of the heart, but other times it can be quite complicated. Regurgitation may cause severe heart pain and can lead to heart failure.
A stroke occurs when the brain does not get the required amount of blood supply due to blockage in blood vessels. The insufficient blood supply creates a shortage of oxygen in the nerve cells, due to which these cells begin to destroy. The victim needs immediate treatment in such medical conditions.
Heart Attack
A heart attack is a medical emergency in which hearts do not receive optimal blood supply due to blockage in the arteries. This plaque solidifies over time, and the hardening of plaque results in blood clots, which affects the blood flow to the heart.
Heart Failure
Many people have a myth that heart failure (or congestive heart failure) means the heart stops working. However, it’s not like that. It is the condition in which the heart keeps pumping but is not able to meet the specific oxygen and blood needs of the body. Cardiovascular Disease or artery disease and high BP is the main cause behind this medical condition. Obese and people above 65 years of age often suffer from heart failure.
The people who eat more fatty food suffer from CAD Coronary artery disease. This health concern is also called ischemic heart disorder. The formation of plaque shrinks them and limits the blood flow to the heart. According to health experts, CAD is the early sign of a heart attack.
Some victims do not have any symptoms of CAD, while some undergo chest pain and breathlessness. Coronary artery disease is a serious clinical condition and should be treated as soon as possible.
Cardiac Infection
Cardiac infection or heat infection is a life-threatening health condition. This health status is also called Endocarditis. Sometimes the outside bacteria and fungus reach the heart via the bloodstream. It can badly damage your heart valves. If the cardiac infection is diagnosed in the early stage, it can be treated with antibiotics. But in case you don’t take this health concern seriously, you may need to undergo valve replacement surgery.
People who already have valve problems or had serious surgery are at high risk of cardiovascular infection. Therefore, they should take extra safety measures; do regular exercise, eat healthy food, limit caffeine, etc.
The Bottom Line:
Treatment for heart disorders depends on the specific condition. If you are experiencing any heart-related issues, you would surely have to change your lifestyle and eating habits. Some heart problems can be treated with medications, while some require surgical procedures. Do not be afraid of a heart specialist recommending you undergo cardiac surgery; it will really help you live a normal life again.