
What is Coronary Artery Disease?

Coronary Artery Disease

At its core, Coronary Artery Disease occurs when the plaque build-up within the blood arteries increases beyond a safe limit. It causes the arteries to become too narrow for the optimum blood flow, leading to Coronary Artery Disease. Coronary arteries are tiny and thin and are the minute extensions of arteries.

These carry the oxygenated blood to the heart for it to work correctly. But if these become narrow due to excessive plague, restricting the flow of oxygenated blood, sufficient oxygen might not reach the heart. That causes it to beat faster and stress out even during the regular physical activity.

You can visit the best heart surgery hospital in Bangalore if any of these signs appear.  If you want more details, then the following information might be able to help you in this regard.

Causes of Coronary Artery Disease

The leading cause is the injury of the coronary artery’s inner walls prevailing not due to shock but due to excessive cholesterol deposits. This excessive build-up is known as atherosclerosis and is the initiating factor in prolonged heart disease or fear of a heart attack. 

Other causes of Coronary Artery Disease might include:

Due to the injury led by the cholesterol dump among the lining of the artery, platelets would try to cure the infection, causing a clump, which leads to a sudden heart stroke.

Associated symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease

As illustrated earlier, if the coronary artery starts getting narrower due to the Cholesterol sticking along the lining, then it can’t provide the heart with enough oxygenated blood. And the symptoms for all of it might vary depending on the stage that you currently are in:

Risk Factors that can lead to CAD

There are various risk factors regarding CAD, and some of them are as follows;

Treatment of CAD

There are various treatment lines here as; first, your condition needs to be correctly diagnosed using ECG, nuclear, and exercise stress tests, and a few other clinical evaluations.

As far as the pharmaceutical treatment is concerned, there are various drugs that you can take as prescribed by your doctor. These are Cholesterol modifying medication that targets LDL (Bad Cholesterol), Aspirin that thins the blood, Beta-blockers that slow heart rate and reduce the risk of future attacks and, Nitroglycerin that will help in the remedial of chest pains.

Surgery for CAD

Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is the best surgical procedure in line for dealing with coronary heart disease. It diverts blood flow from the blocked/plagued arteries to the normal ones so the heart can have access to oxygenated blood at all times. The best heart surgery hospital in Bangalore is the option when it comes to heart surgeries.


The fundamental problem is your lifestyle; as soon as you can change it, you will be back on track;

Parting thoughts

It is essential to control your vital stats and take part in everyday physical activities. As far as the diagnosis is concerned, seek help from your medical advisor as soon as you feel the initial symptoms of CAD prevailing. Having an active lifestyle can help you to get your life back on track.

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