Yes, Photoshop (PS) software changed the way through which we transform our imagination. Well, if you people are into any digital workplace, then stick with Photoshop skills can be a great assistance. Remember that PS seems like a slow process, thus, you ought to try it enough practice, after all, it is well-known digital art. Even if it comes to digital photography, it is not at all possible without Photoshop. It is the best way to save the image including layers and other information efficiently. And, if you sometimes preferred to save AI files as PSD, then just hold your hand on an online AI to PSD converter that helps you to turn AI into PSD for free.
In this context, we packed some basic Photoshop (PS) retouching skills that work great for you. Stick with these easy tricks to get the charm of photography.
How to Hide the Selection and Keep it Active
Well, whenever the select marquee animation distracting your artwork, then it’s ideal to hide it by using the Ctrl + H (Cmd + H on the Mac) shortcut. Remember that the selection is not visible right now, but it is still there. You just have to turn it back on by tapping Ctrl + H again or even you might excite to know that why things are not working properly in the way that you expect them to work. It is said that PS image files are entirely based on pixels while AI (Adobe Illustrator) is sticking with vector graphics, thus Photoshop Document (PSD) files are best! The amazing thing is that you could convert multiple AI image files to PSD images in batch by using free AI to PSD converter online.
How to Get a Selection Back:
You might oftentimes lose a selection that you have created? Don’t worry, no doubt that the Undo command is not applicable here, but you simply have to tap on Ctrl + Shift + D (Cmd + Shift + D on the Mac) to attain the previous selection back. You could also turn your AI images back into PSD format with the natural assistance of an online AI to PSD converter.
How to Show Transformation Handles Swiftly:
Do you know when your people drag a large layer of file from one document to another? Well, whenever the destination document contains a smaller canvas, we people cannot notice the transformation handle while pressing CTRL + T. If you want to view the transform handle, you just ought to press Ctrl + 0 (zero) (or Cmd + 0 on the Mac), doing so enables image shrinking and the sizing handles are all visible. Professionals typically preferred to use Photoshop Document (PSD) rather than AI (Adobe Illustrator) because the (PS) doesn’t impact the quality of an image. You can also get the great AI to PSD conversion opportunity with the help of an online AI to PSD converter that preserves quality while transforming files.
How to Reveal the Reset Button:
Most of the Photoshop dialogs only have a couple of buttons that specify to read OK/Apply and Cancel. Typically, you just have to hit the Cancel and then simply re-open the dialogue. You can be able to reset many of particular modal pop-ups to their original settings or only a few versions of the original setting by just tapping on the Alt key (seen on Mac) when you’re inside the dialog. When you do this, the cancel button will instantly turn into a reset button. Whenever you people are working within the family of Adobe Software, it becomes handy to convert AI to PSD online. You can find that an AI to PSD converter is specifically developed for transforming AI files into PSDs.
How to Access All the Latest Features in New Version:
Are you moved to the latest version of Photoshop (PS) recently? You might seek ways to catch up with all the stunning features. Just you have to navigate to Window > Workspace >New in Photoshop CS6. Whenever you decided to work with a unique feature of Adobe images, you should have to convert the AI vector image to PSD with the help of an online AI to PSD converter and then further proceed with the editing tool. Remember that Photoshop (PS) will close all the panels and simply replace them with a panel that reveling all the new features. Also, if you people right now get back to the Window menu, you will see that there are different features are highlighted.
How to Apply the Same Effect to the Multiple Files:
Now, it becomes easy to load multiple files into a single document, then just apply effects to the whole stack or simply choose the selected files of the stack (you can even account with a folder). To do so, you have to navigate to the File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack.
A most relevant example to account for this feature is to simply develop star trail photos from different images shot at a single location. All you have to loads all the clicks, then choose all the layers (with the entire exception of the background), now simply select ‘Lighten’ for the blending mode. This is the thing that produces the star trail effect that you want. If you want to work with layers of image and you already have AI (Adobe Illustrator) image file, then you simply have to change AI to PSD online. The best way to do so is to account with the best AI to PSD converter that does all for you.
How to Make an Image Bigger Without Sacrificing the Quality:
In the past, when image size increased, it would be blue and even generate artifacts. Fortunately, you can explore a splendid latest feature in Photoshop CC, which enables you to increase bitmaps size with minimum quality loss. Well, you could give a try to AI to PSD converter by the online converter that performs AI vector file to PSD conversion without sacrificing the quality of the original image.
Well, if you want to activate PS (CC) feature, you just ought to navigate to Image >Image Size. You just have to Resample option at the bottom of the given dialog box, there you get numerous options for controlling the quality of the image as you increase the size. Suppose that you people required more information on the subject, you could have to explore some Photoshop tutorials from YouTube. When it comes to photo-based illustrations, PSD is considerable, while AI is not! Thus, people typically use a free version of AI to PSD converter, once files are converted with this tool, then it becomes handy to stick with photo illustrations.