For a long time, people took the hair restoration process only necessary for hair on the scalp. However, due to the changing beauty standards, people are opting for facial hair transplants. Men and women would go for a boost for their sideburns, eyebrows, beard, and mustache. There are too many things to benefit from the facial hair transplant. However, there are some facts you should know about facial hair transplants. They are many, but we will look at the top 20 facts about facial hair restoration.
Facial Hair Transplant is Similar to Hair Transplant
You may think the process is different since it takes a smaller area. However, it is quite similar to a Facial Hair Restoration. All the steps and aftercare are similar to those of a Facial Hair Restoration.
The Two Types of Facial Hair Transplant
There are two major types of facial hair transplant. The first is the FUE process, where the doctor extracts individual follicles and then transplants them on the recipient site. This type is preferred since it does not leave any marks on the donor site. The other type is the FUT method, where the doctor harvests a strip of hair at the donor suite. They then divide the strip into individual follicles before the transplant. One downside about the method is that it leaves a scar at the donor site. However, it is cheaper and quicker than the FEU method.
If you opt for the FUT method, ensure you will never need a short haircut. Also, you will need to heal the donor and the recipient area. This is unlike the FEU method, where only the recipient site requires attention during recovery.
There are 2 Methods of Surgery
A doctor can use any of the two methods of surgery. The first is the manual process. The doctor uses hand tools to extract and transplant the follicles. In the second method, they use a robotic machine, which makes the process quicker and easier. However, the doctor has to control the machine.
The Procedure Takes Time
The surgery is not like an injection where you walk in and out in a few minutes. You will need about 4-6 hours. The tie depends on the method of surgery and the number of grafts enough to complete the process.
The Procedure is Painless
When people hear of surgery, they get afraid of the pain involved. However, the process of facial hair transplant is painless. You will only experience some prickling during the surgery.
The Doctor Draws an Outline Before Proceeding to the Surgery
Facial hair transplant requires you to have a design in mind. Thus, you give the design to the doctor who outlines the design on your face before the procedure.
The Procedure Occurs at the Doctor’s Office
It is an easy procedure that takes place in the doctor’s office. The doc may require only one or two assistants.
There Are a Few and Rare Side Effects
Unlike many procedures, the process has minimal to no side effects. In case of any mishaps, the management is easy.
You Recover at Home
There is no inpatient time after the surgery. You recover at home in comfort. It helps you to recover quickly and prevent the anxiety that one gets in a hospital ward.
You Only Get Painkillers and Antibiotics After the Surgery
There is no heavy medication after the surgery. You only need painkillers to prevent any pain and antibiotics to prevent infections.
Facial Hairs Transplant Takes a Short Time to Recover
Unlike major surgeries that take months to recover, facial hair transplant needs a maximum of four weeks to recover fully. However, by the second week, you can consider the donor site recovered. The recovery process varies with individuals.
You Cannot Engage in Vigorous Exercise
One way to hasten the recovery process is to keep the donor and the recipient site dry. Thus, you should not engage in anything that would make you sweat or require you to wash with water in the first two weeks. You can resume your normal life after the third week.
You Do Not Need a Hair Donor
You will not require anyone to donate their hair to you. The doctor identifies a suitable donor site on your head and harvests the grafts from there. Thus, you are your donor for facial hair transplants. It makes the process easier for you, as you do not need a third party.
Facial Hair Transplant Adds Volume to Your Facial Hair
You can have a facial hair transplant on the existing facial hairs. The aim would be to add volume to the beard, eyebrows, mustache, and sideburns.
You Can Change the Shape of Your Facial Hairs
The purpose of facial hair transplant is not only to add volume. You can change the shape of the existing facial hairs. It is not a straightforward procedure, but it is gaining popularity. Many claim that it gives them an easy time trimming and styling their facial hairs.
You Should Not Shave Facial Hairs 10 Days Before You Recover
The follicles heal and get ready to take a permanent residence on their new site in the first ten days after the surgery. You should not disrupt the process with unnecessary activities like shaving. Let the follicles heal before you pass a blade over the recipient site.
The Transplant Process is a Permanent Solution
You should think well and clearly about facial hair transplants. Make up your mind before you have that eyebrow transplant. The procedure is permanent, and once you take the procedure, you are stuck with the eyebrows forever.
The Cost of facial Hair Transplant Depends on The Grafts to Be Transferred
You cannot tell clearly how much a facial hair transplant would cost. You can know the exact cost per graft. However, the cost of the whole procedure will depend on the number of grafts needed. The geographical location and clinic charges are other factors that add to the cost.
Anyone is a Candidate For Facial Hair Transplant Unless They Have a Medical Condition
You can have a facial hair transplant as long as you are a healthy adult. There are a few medical conditions that can prevent you from taking the procedure. However, it is only a small percentage of people who have those conditions.
The Hair Sheds Four Weeks After the Transplant
One step to Facial Hair Restoration recovery is shedding. It happens at least four weeks after the surgery. At this time, the hair follicles have settled on the recipient site and healed. Shedding is crucial as it rids the old hair and prepares for the growth of new hair.
Above is the information you need to know about facial hair transplants. It helps you make the right decision. You can also evaluate if you need the transplant or need to seek alternative hair growth procedures.