Hair loss is the most common problem people facing. Not only the aged people, but youngsters are also affected by it. A lot of techniques can be used to get off hair-concerns but Hair Transplants have gained popularity all over the world due to their enduring and efficacious outcomes. The two main categories FUT (Follicular unit transplantation) Are
- FUE (Follicular unit extraction): It’s not the invasive procedure but helps to acquire the natural hair by placing follicles on the hairless area.
- FUT (Follicular unit transplantation): It’s the minimal invasive practice to get off baldness problems and other hair concerns. Important Questions before going for FUT hair transplant in Dubai
What is FUT (Follicular unit transplantation)?
In (FUT) Hair Transplant surgeons make a small incision at the back of your head (donor area) to extract hair follicles. However, the number and size of extracted hair follicles depend upon the amount of area where the hair is supposed to grow. Practitioners aim to cover the bald spots with the hair grafts to get off the hair loss concerns permanently. However, the results attained from this hair transplant are natural and long-lasting.
Important Questions before going for FUT
Before you undergo (FUT) hair transplant, some facts must be understood first:
1. Are you the right one to acquire FUT?
FUT Hair transplant can be grasped by everyone who is facing baldness problems or other hair loss concerns but before you get this hair transplant make sure that you’re mentally and physically fit. However, the candidacy of FUT hair transplant usually depends upon health condition, age, and amount of hairs to be grafted. Patients who suffer from excessive hair loss and want to get these concerns resolved in single session usually prefer (FUT) strip incision method.
2. What is the process of FUT?
The process of (FUT) hair transplant is minimal invasive so general anesthesia isn’t required, it can be done with local anesthesia to numb the targeted site. Highly-experienced surgeons aim to make a small incision to get more follicular units in a single strip. Once it’s done, the grafts are cleaned and separated to implant on the hairless area, which brings natural hair-growth and long-lasting comforts.
3. Is it painful?
In short No, FUT hair transplant has no extreme pains because it’s done through local anesthesia so patients won’t feel any discomfort during the treatment but once it’s done some mild pain can be felt for 2-3 days which is normal and will go away.
4. What is expected after treatment?
After FUT hair transplant, the patient can feel slight pain or swell right after the treatment which is very common and can get off by following prescribed medications and some after-care instructions.
- Patients are advised to escape washing their hair for at least 3-days
- Follow prescribed medications regularly
- Avoid sun exposure, smoking, and alcohol consumption
5. How long it will take to show results?
The patients can notice new emerging hair after a few weeks of FUT hair transplant but complete outcomes can’t be seen instantly, it will take at least 6-months. However, strong and natural hairs can be acquired without leaving any surgical scars so, there is no need to face embarrassments anymore.
6. Will I need another hair transplant?
The doctor may advise you to attend another FUT hair transplant session or not because every person has different hair condition. People who face extreme baldness problems will be needing more than one session to get their desired looks.
7. How much is the recovery time?
Recovery time for FUT hair transplant is usually 2-3 weeks but you can return to the work the next day after treatment. Patients are advised to follow post-treatment instructions properly from their doctor for improved recovery and beneficial outcomes.
8. What are the comforts?
A lot of benefits can be acquired after getting a FUT hair transplant. It has gained popularity all over the world due to its tremendous comforts:
- Painless practice
- It won’t leave any visible scar
- It causes less damage to the donor site
- Natural results can be seen
- Permanent outcomes
9. What are the side effects?
FUT hair transplant has some complications because it involves cuts and stitches. It’s advised to get this treatment from a professional surgeon to avoid risks and complications. However, some common side-effects after getting this treatment include:
- Mild pain
- Redness
- Swelling
- Itching
- Bruising
10. How much FUT cost?
The cost of FUT hair transplant ranges from $3,000 to $10,000 according to the hair condition, experience of the clinician, number of grafts, and clinic reputation. People usually choose the clinic depending upon their interests and affordability.