If there is one thing that every person wants is to have a head full of healthy and Thicken Hair because whether you like it or not, your hair reflects your health.
Medical issues, Stress, Pollution amongst others are among the prime reasons for hair fall. Yes, you cannot really beat your genes if you have a family history of baldness.
Does that mean all is lost? Is there no hope?
Of course, there is!
How to Get Thicken Hair
Just follow these simple tips and techniques and with the time you too will be known as Rapunzel.
1. Your Hair is What You Eat!
Besides what you PUT ON the hair, your hair is affected by what you PUT IN YOUR BODY as in what you eat. Get a good amount of protein because keratin, which is what your hair is made of, is also a protein. Load up on natural food comprising of Vitamins and minerals. Take supplements if need be.
2. Keep Stress Away!
Yes, stress affects your hair too. So, meditate, exercise, do yoga, dance – whatever brings you joy and you will find hair fall ebbing. It is not a joke…try it and see!
3. Choose Your Combs Carefully!
Silly as it may sound, selecting a good comb is vital for your tresses. Look for a wooden comb instead of the usual plastic combs, which may pull at your hair and causes breakages.
4. Head massages are Super
Remember your granny telling you about the good things about massaging your scalp. Well turns out, she was right. Head massages have been proven to stimulate blood circulation and this, in turn, encourages better growth of the hair follicles.
5. Say No to Hot Water and Daily Shampoos!
Use lukewarm water to wash your hair as hot water will dry out your hair. Don’t shampoo daily as this strip the scalp of natural oils that are essential for your hair’s nourishment.
6. Choose Hair Products Carefully
Don’t change your hair products frequently and make it a habit of reading the ingredients printed on the bottles. If the quick eye scan picks up the word paraben or sulphate, dump the bottle. Go in for quality and natural products, even if they are slightly expensive.
7. Condition Your Hair!
Try using a hair conditioner after you wash your hair. You can also apply a mix of oil and curd on your hair before washing. If you want, you can add some Mehendi and powdered methi seeds to the mix as this gives a natural shine to the hair.
8. Dump the Hair Dryer and Styling Iron!
Instead of reaching for the hairdryer, let your hair dry naturally. Don’t rub your wet hair vigorously with a towel as this will cause split ends. Instead, just wrap your hair in a towel for some 10 minutes and then let the hair dry in the sun or under the fan.
9. Trim Your Hair Regularly!
No matter how busy your schedule is, take out time and get your hair trimmed every quarter. This will not only get rid of the split ends but also the damaged hair. Ask your hairs dresser to give you a cut that will add more bounce to your hair.
10. Consult a Professional Trichologist and Dermatologist
When you can visit a doctor for your common cold, why not for your Thicken Hair. Instead of just any doctor, go to the experts, a trichologist, the medical expert for hair or a dermatologist, the skin specialist.
The doctors will not only determine the reason behind your hair loss but also prescribe personalized hair loss treatments to help you. At times hair growth boosters like topical medications do wonders along with taking supplements.
One can consider Platelet Rich Plasma treatment, Stem Cell Treatment, and Mesotherapy. In case of extreme hair fall and baldness, one should consider Hair Transplant or sport an artificial hair design cover if one is not keen on needles.
Author Bio: Preeti Gupta
Preeti Gupta is a passionate blogger and content editor, who is currently working with Clinic Dermatech. She loves to write, explore and share tips about Skincare, skincare routine, hair care, anti-ageing etc. She has written and shared many blogs and articles about different types of skincare services like laser hair removal, Body sculpting, Skincare routine, Hair transplant and more.