
Current Influencer Marketing Trends in 2024

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has grown from strong to stronger over the last few years. It indeed has witnessed ups and downs but its effectiveness is beyond dispute. Every Business, Industries, Technologies changes over time. Likewise, influencer marketing trends keep on fluctuating.

 So, if you are here you are probably planning to add influencer marketing to your strategy’s arsenal, aren’t you? And for that, you’ll need to know what’s hip or popular at this point in the world of influencer marketing. (You want it? You got it!)

Here’s everything you’re looking for. A few of the best influencer marketing agencies follow the following influencer marketing trends that will be the elixir to your business.

Source: https://blog.alexa.com/benefits-of-influencer-marketing/

Video Content Are Dominating

Videos are an efficient and quick way for people to get all the relevant information they are looking for. Videos are very accessible and hence people can watch them anytime anywhere.

With the increase in the usage of mobile phones, it makes sense for marketers to use videos to expand their reach. Unlike the previous times, the Internet and bandwidth issues are almost non-existent and hence everyone can watch videos quite smoothly.

Videos promote storytelling which has many benefits for the marketer’s as-

In many ways, video is a better format for step-by-steps, Q&As, and tips—and this type of content is particularly famous with excellent influencers, vocation mentors, health specialists, and other mainstream influencer classes. Video is also a good way to get discovered.

Just Like Upstox did:

Upstox mostly focussed on the campaign on Youtube to work with influencers whose word is already trusted by traders and investors alike. They also worked with some business channels to position Upstox as the right app for investors.

Twitch Gets More Traction

Twitch is the space to watch. At the point when we talk about the most recent influencer showcasing patterns, a couple of prominent stages come into view, in particular Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Truth be told, a large portion of the influencer promoting efforts are on Instagram.

Even though there’s little uncertainty that these are the prevailing stages for influencers, there’s no assurance that they’ll stay at the top in 2022, as another stage is on the ascent.

Celebrity Influence is in Decline

Favoring relatable micro-influencers, the celebrity culture has gone down. People now feel that celebrity influencer culture is a big-time scam. Their aloofness has been exacerbated by social and financial inequality.

They also feel that celebrities are lazy and they lack creativity, that doesn’t help either. Celebrities will undoubtedly be in the spotlight and always draw attention.

But it may not be the sort of attention brands want because of a lack of brand alignment, awareness, and creativity which are the most important components of social media marketing.

Just Like Pinaaz did:

Pinaaz zeroed in on micro lifestyle influencers who had an authentic relationship with their followers. Content created by them was used throughout the buying journey to amplify the conversion rates as well.

Teens Follow Advice from Influencers than Celebrities

The words of a celebrity are not as valuable as they used to be. Customers these days seem to have lost trust in the brand and the Traditional Celebrities have also lost the influence that they once had.

Influencers possess the power to forge strong ties with their fans and experience a more dedicated and engaged audience that can gain 3 times the views, 12 times as many comments, and almost twice as many actions as compared to the videos that are uploaded by Traditional Celebrities.

Consumers these days trust their peers and social media influencers more than anything else. So, we can say that now the powers are shifted into the hands of Social Media Influencers.

Source: Instagram account @hxrrietday


The returns on the investment in Influencer Marketing is outpacing every traditional medium by a fair margin. What we mean by this is that the various brands are undergoing a transitional phase in the ways of spending their respective budgets.

Brands are giving away the budget of inefficient and expensive ad buys that are found in the newspaper and magazines to Influencer Marketing as they see greater potential to succeed in terms of expansion of reach and effectiveness.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Influencer marketing

There’s little doubt that influencer marketing will be affected by artificial intelligence in 2024. With every year, AI is making the way toward finding the correct influencers to collaborate with simpler and quicker.  This technology is helping identify those with better engagement, fewer fake followers, and a higher chance of generating a positive return on investment (ROI).

AI is transforming influencer marketing in the following ways:

Emerging Of NANO-Micro Influences

The thing that gets marketing influence going is the strength of the influencer’s following and the influencer’s ability to persuade his/her followers to act upon something.

 However, the number of followers is not the only thing that determines the effectiveness or reach of an influencer, it’s more about the kind of relation the influencer possesses with his/her audience.

Micro-Nano Influencers are emerging on a large scale these days and tend to have a very personal and tighter relationship with their followers and hence can benefit the brand or company they are associated with.

Source: Instagram account @wandering_wild_home

TikTok Creators will shift to other Platforms after Its ban in India

Tiktok was one of the most popular platforms amongst teens. It was popular because of its influencers. Just a 15-second video and your voice reached the world. Brands used influencers on the platform to integrate their message in just a few seconds. TikTok’s algorithm allowed for content to skyrocket in virality.

While still in its infancy, TikTok became ripe for businesses curious about partnering with influencers. But after it was banned in the country the influencers had to shift to other platforms. Tiktok played an important role in marketing. But it doesn’t stop with a ban on an app. Influencers and brands have moved to other platforms. In the requests of local applications, Chingari has seen an expansion in the number of supporters. Other than downloading and transferring recordings, the application likewise permits clients to talk with companions and cooperate with new individuals.

Just like Nakodas Dryfruit Zone did:

Creators across India tried these products and loved them. Their authentic reactions on social media helped them build extreme fandom for unique flavors. They mainly focussed on working with food, lifestyle, and health-related micro-influencers on Instagram and some mega influencers on TikTok.

Influence Diversity

The specialty for influencer advertisers is various. It’s significant for all promoters to grasp decent variety, yet it is especially basic for brands to focus on assorted variety in their influencer outreach on account of how influencer showcasing functions.

At the point when a brand includes decent variety into their influencer crusade venture, they arrive at a more extensive more characterized crowd, sliced through all the commotion, and make greater legitimacy and unwavering quality inside the mission.

The outcome? More brand awareness, brand loyalty, and ultimately a higher conversion rate + ROI.

Final Words

Hence, these are the few current marketing trends in 2024 that’ll help your brand to grow immensely and would be a great help for the brands seeking expansion in their reach in this digital age.

At last, to capitalize on influencer marketing, you must remember that it’s more imperative to line up with somebody who shares your image and genuinely impacts their fan base rather than to seek out a worldwide star with enormous support rely on Instagram.

Maybe this will be the year that your business at long last engages with influencers! Ensure you’re up to speed with the most recent turns of events and search for approaches to use the freshest innovation, newest technology, platforms, or content types to maximize your Return On Investment.

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