
How to Prepare for MHT CET


In the midst of ongoing HSC examination, students are also preparing for their MHT CET 2024 examination. This year’s MHT CET 2024 exam date is from April 13 to 18 and April 20 to 23. This exam holds the key to the future career ambitions of lakhs of students who are aspiring to be engineers. With the EduBook Learning App, you can prepare for MHT CET examination quite easily. Our detailed MHT CET Module provides you with features that are simply outstanding.

As you all know, MHT CET is a multiple-choice question examination. There are two papers – one is a mathematics paper for 100 marks and the other is combined paper for physics and chemistry of 100 marks with equal distribution of marks. Using the EduBook app you can attend live classes given by highly qualified faculty and complete the entire MHT CET 2024 syllabus in just 7 weeks. Along with early course completion, there are more than 200+ tests with illustrated answers and 4 full course length MHT CET mock tests.

For preparation of MHT CET 2024, we have come up with a few important tricks and tips that will help you before and during the exam.

How to Prepare for MHT CET 2024?

  1. Know the MHT CET 2024 syllabus: The very first step for preparing for MHT CET 2024 is having complete knowledge about the exam pattern and syllabus. The weightage of marks is 80% for Std. XII and 20% for Std. XI curriculum.
  2. Make short notes: While you have to prepare for the descriptive examination, maintain a set of short notes of the important topics in all the three subjects. These short notes can be in the form of flashcards or micro notes. It can be anything from a theorem to important formula. Ensure that these notes are always in your peripheral vision so that you can remember them like the back of your hand. These short notes will become extremely important at the time of revision.
  3. Make a proper timetable: Now that you are preparing for MHT CET exam, you need to be highly organized and must have a targeted approach. For that, you need to chalk out a detailed timetable with both long terms as well as short-term goals that will guide as you prepare for MHT CET 2024 examination. You must put in six to eight hours of study each day with timely brakes to keep your mind fresh and attentive.
  4. Seek help where necessary: You are bound to hit difficulties when you start revising through the MHT CET syllabus. During such time, do not hesitate, and simply ask your teachers, professors, or seniors for help. A moment of hesitation can turn costly if the problem is not resolved in a given time.
  5. Practice: You must be bored of hearing this by now, but it is the truth! Practice! There are several mock MHT CET 2024 tests out there in the market. And they are relatively easy to get hold of. Time yourself and practice through all these tests. The more you practice, the better you will start sensing patterns in questions and remembering formulas quickly. The real exam would not feel much different if you practiced hard!

During the MHT CET 2024 exam, there are a couple of tips we would like to recommend to you:

So, dear students, just follow these tips and suggestions as you prepare for your MHT CET 2024 exam. Always remember, if you are sure of yourself and the efforts that you have put in, you are bound to be successful in your attempt!

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