The number of hair follicles or strands located per square inch in the scalp is known as hair density. Hair density is also how closely packed the hair strands are in the scalp. Understanding hair density is critical because it determines the shape and volume of your hair. How you are going to style your hair also depends on the hair density. 2,200 is the average number of strands that one has per square inch in the scalp. If you are suffering from hair loss, you can seek treatments from hair transplant Beverly Hills clinics.
Counting all the hair strands on the head is quite difficult. Therefore, the best way to measure hair density is to pull hair up in a ponytail and measure its circumference. Hair with low density will measure less than two inches, while hair with high density will be for inches and above. Hair with medium density will be around two or three inches in circumstance.
If you measure your hair density and discover that it is low, there are several natural ways to improve its density. For extensive hair loss, the best hair transplant techniques are available to increase the hair density. Many people have issues with thin, limb, and brittle-looking hair. Not properly taking care of your hair or exposing your hair to a lot of heat leads to limp hair. Generic factors, PCOS, and hormonal issues may occasionally cause limp hair. The drastic changes in the body of a pregnant woman can also lead to her hair looking limp.
Whatever causes your hair to be limp, thin, or brittle, the good news is that remedies are available to nurture hair and improve its density. To improve hair density and volume, a proper hair care routine must be followed. Below are some tips on how to naturally improve your hair density.
Proven Ways to Improve Hair Density
Use Aloe Vera
Among the easiest and most effective ways of moisturizing and increasing hair density is applying aloe vera gel. Various nutrients that strengthen hair strands are found in this gel, which is quite effective when you want to improve hair density in your scalp. Besides making hair strong, aloe vera also makes it silky smooth, and shiny. While using aloe vera gel, all you need to do is apply it to your scalp and massage it. After that, cover your hair well and leave it for one hour. Then, uncover it and rinse it with water.
Use Fenugreek Seeds
Another way to improve hairs density and stop thinning hair is by using fenugreek seeds. These seeds help to prevent further hair loss, which eventually improves hair density. Inside a fenugreek seed, an antioxidant protects hair follicles by fighting against radicals that weaken them. When you want to use these seeds, you need to take some of them and soak them overnight. Once they are soaked, grind them into a paste. Apply the paste in the hair roots and leave it for one hour. Once the 60 minutes are over, wash the paste off with cold water.
Use Henna Powder
Most women use henna to get soft and luxurious hair. However, hardly do they know that henna can also be used to increase hair density. To effectively use henna to boost hair density, mix one cup of henna powder with lemon juice, one egg yolk, and yogurt. You may also add tea water to the concoction. Stir them together, apply the paste on the scalp, and set it to sit for a while before washing off with water. A person with mild thinning hair may use this remedy, but if you have lost a significant amount of hair, you can look for the best hair transplant techniques for treatment.
Oil Massage
Applying oil regularly on the hair helps in more than one way. It helps to treat several problems. First, massaging the scalp helps to increase blood circulation. When blood supply in hair follicles is sufficient, it prevents hair from falling out because it strengthens the roots. This helps to improve hair density and volume. Among the different oil products, you can use to massage your hair are olive oil, coconut oil, and argan oil. To maintain healthy hair, applying oil twice a week is necessary.
Vitamin C
To improve hair density, vitamin C should be included in your diet. Vitamin C is an important hair care regime when you want to increase the volume of hair in your scalp. Eat foods that contain vitamin C because it helps to strengthen the hair follicles and encourage the voluminous growth of hair. In your daily diet, try to include foods such as oranges, lemons, and kiwis.
Gelatine Remedy
To instantly improve hair density and boost its volume, a gelatine remedy is essential. Gelatine helps stimulate hair growth, and all you need to do is mix up two spoons of gelatine, two spoons of water, one spoon of lemon, and one spoon of aloe vera gel. After applying this concoction to your scalp, leave it for one hour and wash it with water.
Onion and Honey Hair Loss Treatment
You may not know it, but onions are great remedies when it comes to preventing hair loss. Besides that, onions also help to improve hair texture and improve density. All that you need to do is grind half an onion to extract its juice. Then, add some honey and yogurt and apply it to the scalp. Wait for 60 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
Avoid Stress
Tress is a great contributor to hair loss conditions, with 50% of men and women dealing with hair loss attributing their hair loss to extreme stress. Stress doesn’t only destabilize you mentally, but it also leads to your scalp losing hair. Avoiding stress is another natural way to increase hairs density. You can avoid stress by meditating and having yoga sessions every morning.
Nobody is comfortable with thinning hair and balding. Therefore, the best way to ensure that you have enough hair on your scalp is to use these natural remedies. Best hair transplant treatments are rather expensive; therefore, practicing good hair care is the best way to ensure that hair density is increased and sustained in the long run.