
What Are The Factors Of The Diamond Price Calculator?

Diamond Price Calculator

How much should you pay for your ideal diamond? When you ask your friends the price, it costs their sparkling stone; each will give a different price. That’s because the diamond market is rational, and it all depends on a few factors. For example, the 4Cs that include carat, cut, clarity, and color will determine this gem’s price and value. Once you understand what each of these C entails, you can get an idea of a diamond worth using an online Diamond Price Calculator. Let’s explore further how sellers reach the diamond prices:

Carat weight

The heavier the stone, the higher it is going to cost you. A seller will do a price per carat to determine the diamond’s value, but the other Cs also apply.

An average price for 1 carat of a round-shaped diamond is $ 2000 to $ 20000, while a 2 carat will range anywhere from $ 9800 to $ 64500. Any slight difference between carats will have a significant price difference. 

The more carats a diamond carries, the pricier it will be. For a 3 carat, the price shoots to $20,000 – $100,000. A 4 carat is where the jaw-breaking happens because the dollars range from $39,000 to $163,000. It may feel unaffordable, but when you understand the 4C’s, you can get this carat at a lower price. 

To achieve the price of a diamond, this is how the sellers calculate using the diamond calculator. 

Diamond price per carat x carat weight

If a diamond pricing per carat is $ 1600, then a 0.50-carat diamond will cost?

 0.50 x 1600= $ 800

Ensure the carats are of the same shape, making it easier for you to compare the prices. Did you know the cost between a poor and an excellent cut of a diamond can be up to 30 percent? 

Since diamond grading entities are several, it’s better if the diamonds you want to compare are from the same grading lab. In essence, if you can filter all the similar elements of color, carat, clarity, and cut.

How color contributes to the diamond price

The diamond calculator has a price default set to 1 carat round diamond. One of the best value diamonds with an affordable price includes a Color-G, Clarity-SI1, Cut-excellent, and without fluorescence. While anyone would imagine color is the way to go, it’s the colorless diamond that will make you sweat as you dig deeper in your pocket. These are D, E, and F, which are relatively rare, and that’s why they command the highest price. 

The next batch that follows G, H, and I are “near-colorless” because they look colorless to the naked eyes. These can be fine since people won’t notice the difference.

The fancy-colored diamonds such as pink and green have a separate grading. You need to be careful when selecting the diamond color since you don’t want to splurge into a stone with not that much difference with lesser grade to people’s eyes. 

To find the diamond’s perfect color, the assessor places it faced down in a daylight lighting unit to evaluate the body. Then he compares the stone to a master-stone (sets of diamond representing the color scale of D to Z) of the same color. 

Various grading labs grade the color, carat, clarity, and cut of a diamond. But the most trusted entities with the highest standards of grading are GIA and AGS. 

NB: Fancy cut stones in pear, oval, and emeralds have broader facet arrangement and are likely to show the color more, unlike the perfectly cut stones like round-shape, that hide the hue.  

You need to note that a diamond reflects the metal color paired with it, and that’s why it’s essential to observe diamonds in context. 


A diamond graded as flawless (F) means it has no blemish and such are quite rare and expensive. Those designated with FL means they have some inclusions and flaws, though they are not visible with the naked eyes. A grader will need to use a 10x magnification to see any hiding inclusion. These are also not cheap. But if you are looking for something not too pricey with minor blemishes, then IF, VVS1, VVS2, and VS1 will be your excellent grades.


A diamond cut is the biggest determiner in price because it represents the diamond’s brilliance and beauty. What’s the use of buying a large or heavy stone that looks dull? When someone wants to get a lower price of a diamond, he has to skimp on the 4Cs. Even if the precision cutting of a diamond attracts a higher price, one should not compromise carat.

Another feature you need to consider apart from the measurements such as depth and size is symmetry and polish. 


While all the 4Cs contribute to the diamond price, most people prioritize the cut and consider it the most crucial. However, some prefer high clarity, while others will value the weight. A particular group may choose the larger size rather than the color, and some will focus more on their budget. You can use the diamond calculator and the grading scale of the 4Cs to work out your ideal value for your diamond. In essence, it all boils down to your taste and budget.

Other attributes to look out for when shopping for diamonds include;

One should not waive these qualities. But if need be, you can skimp with fluorescence to use a faint to medium radiation. Doing this can reduce the diamond price by 5 to 15 percent while adding a sparkle to the stone. If you need to verify an eye-clean diamond, a jeweler’s loupe or a high-res imaging device will be the best tool to use. 

In Conclusion, now you must be an astute diamond shopper. If you learn how to balance the 4Cs, you can get yourself a diamond in your budget. If you are trying to get an engagement ring for your partner, you can first assess the diamond’s value using a diamond calculator.

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