
Ensuring The Protection Of The IPR Of The Start-up


Starting your own business has never been an easy task as it involves tons of anxiety about survivability, doubts, and other mental stress. From registering a company after selecting the right business structure to enter the market to make the first profit, the journey is filled with highs and lows. In this article all know about IPR.

However, one area where a new business needs to stress more is intellectual property rights. Once you register a company in India by choosing the right business structure for your business, IPR helps you distinguish your business from others.

IPR could reap you following benefits:

– One can sell or license it for generating an additional revenue stream.

– Offering peculiar products and services to your customers.

It has the potential to become a crucial part of branding (exclusivity) and marketing.

It can be used against the loans as security because intellectual properties are one type of asset.

It would help if you contemplated making the most of your IP to the fullest, as it makes more sense to protect your business in the best suitable and possible manner. As you can legally safeguard your intellectual property as per the following manners given below.

– Safeguarding intellectual property against any kind of contravention by others.

You can uphold it in the court of law to assert your sole right on it.

You can legally restraint others from its use, make, import, or sell without your prior agreement to do so.

You can extract some royalties by licensing it or make money by selling it.

– It can be used to form strategic alliances.

There are three ways by which a new business can safeguard its intellectual properties. It could be anything – an idea, a thought, images, an item, logos, process, etc. that renders a brand.

Let us take a look into some of the IPR types that a business can involve.


Certain safeguards are by default offered to the author for their creative, original, or intellectual work.

Such work includes lectures, books, musical and dramatic work, drawings, cinematography, architecture, painting, photographs, sculpture, maps, illustration, plan sketches, etc.

Rights – To dispense phonorecords or copies of the work to the general public by transfer of ownership or sell, or by lease, rental, lending, and to perform the work publicly in-person or via audio transmission.

Validity – It is highly recommended to register, if not compulsory. The validity of the copyrights lasts till the doomsday of the author, even posthumously. The proprietor is provided with protection in most of the countries.


Trademark – This works as an element that can make a difference between your goods and services to your rivals’ in the market. It generates plain as day identity for your company and thereby safeguarding a brand from any unauthorized usage.

Marks – A logo mark, work mark, shapes, slogan, and unconventional marks such as sounds, colors, animation, gestures, hologram, etc., could be registered beneath the trademark. To obtain a logo for your business is simple and easy. You have to apply for online logo registration; once you get it, you can use the ‘TM’ symbol.

Rights – It provides the prerogative to use the mark and would restraint others from using it without your prior approval. The proprietor also enjoys the right to assign, license, and sell the mark in return for indemnification.

Validity – It offers a validity of 10 years. Afterward, it can be extended or renewed for another 10 years. It has to be applied individually and separately in every country where protection is needed and has a market.


It can be used against the new invention that is original and is useful to make people’s lives more simplified.

Condition – It needs an idea to be unique or novel. The industrial process can be patented, especially if a non-obvious step is initiated in it.

Rights – It provides exclusivity over authority on patented invention, right to debar others and utilize the patent and earn from it.

Validity – It is only effective in India’s territory (or the country where applied) because patent protection is a territorial right. Separate and individual patents needed to be submitted for each country where the safeguard is required. The patent has a validity of 20 years, after which it goes into the public domain.

The concept of IP goes beyond mere money-making or branding; This is providing much more than that. It is related to business esteem as well. It is the asset of the business; therefore, ensuring the IP becomes crucial. One of the peculiar elements is to have IP safeguard a part of a business plan and budgeting.

Basing Startup valuation in IP portfolio

New companies always start with meagre product stocks and a workforce initially. Eventually, a large portion of the start-up assessment, for the most part, receives from their IP rights. It has been done on an average by over 80% of new business assessment as they rely heavily on IP portfolio.

Limiting financial spend

Until and unless your business is giving something that has zero minimal creation cost, you need to tighten the belt even to make some profits. Another factor that most start-ups overlook is the cost associated with not taking adequate care of their intellectual properties.

Impose restraint on what you have

Many businesses reverberate this, “we couldn’t care less on the off chance that somebody imitates us, it is simply free promulgating.” And this gets many blenched. It is good to have someone out there advancing your merchandise and administration for nothing. But what happens when it comes to the quality and standards of your goods and services? It simply does not justify, right? Practically, you will not be able to do anything, and your brand will suffer.

Conclusion Starting a new business in an environment that is full of competition and technologies is very risky. That is why it is important to protect your IP, that can provide your business an edge over your rivals. Protecting your IPR is a strategy by which you can defend your business while being offensive in the market. 

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