
Top 13 Best Affiliate Plugins For WordPress in 2024

Affiliate Plugins for WordPress

Earning affiliate commissions from your WordPress site can be a great way to monetize your content and earn passive income. But to be a successful affiliate marketer, you need the right plugins to help implement links, track sales, and grow your earnings.

In this article, we’ll look at the top 13 affiliate plugins for WordPress to supercharge your earnings in 2024.

Why Use Affiliate Plugins for WordPress?

Affiliate plugins provide key features that can save you time and maximize your commissions:

Using dedicated affiliate plugins gives you all these key features easily in one place. This supercharges your affiliate earnings and saves tons of time.

Top 13 Affiliate Plugins for WordPress

Based on features, flexibility, and ease of use, here are the top 13 affiliate plugins we recommend for WordPress:


ThirstyAffiliates is one of the most popular affiliate link plugins with over 300,000 installs.




ThirstyAffiliates is likely the best all-around affiliate plugin for bloggers and affiliate marketers. It makes adding and managing affiliate links incredibly easy with powerful features.


AffiliateWP is a fully featured affiliate management platform for WordPress. It is one of the most popular affiliate link plugins with over 300,000 active installs.




If you want to run a full-blown affiliate program, AffiliateWP is likely the best choice with the most extensive features. Want to grow beyond a solo blogger and run a true affiliate program, AffiliateWP is likely the most powerful choice. But it requires an investment of time to learn and configure properly.


EasyAffiliate is a lightweight affiliate plugin focused on simplicity.




EasyAffiliate is a great choice for beginners who want a simple affiliate marketing plugin to get started. But advanced users may desire more customization and options.


SliceWP is a split testing and conversion optimization plugin.




While SliceWP doesn’t directly insert or track affiliate links, it can massively grow your earnings by optimizing your site’s conversions. This makes it a fantastic complement.

Auto Amazon Links

Auto Amazon Links automatically link keywords to Amazon products.




If you operate an Amazon affiliate niche site, Auto Amazon Links can automate linking Amazon products to relevant keywords and phrases. This saves tons of manual linking work. But be wary of going overboard.

Ad Inserter

Ad Inserter allows you to insert affiliate links and ads into WordPress.




Ad Inserter provides extremely fine-tuned control for placing affiliate links and ads anywhere on a site. But the extensive options require technical knowledge to configure and set up properly.

Pretty Links

Pretty Links offers advanced link cloaking and tracking.




Pretty Links excels at hiding ugly affiliate links behind clean, custom-branded redirects. But the more powerful features require Pretty Links Pro.


ClickMagick offers affiliate link tracking and analytics.




If you need robust in-depth tracking and analytics for affiliate links and conversions, ClickMagick is likely the best choice. But it provides almost too much data for some users.

Gauge Coupons & Affiliate WP

Gauge Coupons & Affiliate WP extends WooCommerce stores with coupons and affiliate marketing features.




If you operate a WooCommerce store, Gauge Coupons & Affiliate WP can integrate solid affiliate marketing functionality.

Rakuten LinkShare

Rakuten LinkShare helps create affiliate links for thousands of advertisers.




Rakuten LinkShare makes it super easy to become an affiliate for thousands of brands in their massive marketplace. But the tracking and payouts may be less than direct programs.

Affiliates Manager

Affiliates Manager provides robust affiliate program management for WordPress.




Affiliates Manager enables you to run a complete affiliate program within WordPress. From referral tracking to commission payouts, it provides end-to-end affiliate management capabilities.

YITH WooCommerce Affiliates

YITH WooCommerce Affiliates integrates affiliate marketing features into WooCommerce stores.




YITH WooCommerce Affiliates provides built-in affiliate management capabilities tailored specifically for WooCommerce stores. From affiliate coupons to product tracking, it integrates tightly with WooCommerce.

Solid Affiliate

Solid Affiliate is a suite of affiliate marketing tools for WordPress.




Solid Affiliate provides a wide range of affiliate and referral program features. From promo tools to compliance monitoring, it aims to be an end-to-end affiliate platform.

How to Choose the Best Affiliate Plugin?

When picking the right affiliate plugin for your WordPress site, consider a few key factors:

Your Primary Affiliate Programs

If you primarily promote Amazon as an affiliate, the dedicated Auto Amazon plugins make sense to save time. For Walmart or other brands, choose a plugin that supports cloaking and tracking their links.

Your Current WordPress Site Type

If you have a WooCommerce store, choose an affiliate plugin with tight Woo integration like Gauge Coupons & Affiliate WP.

Your Affiliate Experience Level

Beginners may want a simple easy plugin like EasyAffiliate or Pretty Links Lite. Advanced affiliate marketers need more customization from Pretty Links Pro or ThirstyAffiliates.

Your Desired Features

Review the feature list for each plugin. Do you just need link cloaking? Or full affiliate program management? This determines which plugin matches your needs.

For most bloggers, a combination of ThirstyAffiliates, Pretty Links, and SliceWP or ClickMagick provides the essential affiliate plugin toolkit.

Supercharge Your Affiliate Revenue in 2024!

Earning commissions through affiliate marketing is an excellent way to monetize your WordPress site.

But you need the right set of plugins to unleash the full potential of affiliate earnings.

The plugins in this guide provide all the essential features you need:

With the recommendations in this post, you can determine the best affiliate plugins for your specific site and goals in 2024.

Then by tapping into the expertise of a WordPress development company to implement and optimize the plugins, you can spend more time promoting and make more in commissions!

What affiliate plugin are you most interested in trying on your WordPress site? Let us know in the comments!

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